This may be TMI (food poisoning)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I've given myself food poisoning from the chicken that I have in my sandwiches. Matt's had the same, but nowhere near as bad as I've got it right now. I've spent most of the day making best friends with the toilet, and am feeling so rough its unreal. All I want to do is crawl into bed but my tummy keeps hurting and I keep having to run to the loo :( :(

Sugars have been oddly fine, running on the low side if anything.

But does anyone have any advice? I'm feeling proper rough, don't want to eat anything etc. And its not very much fun...

brb must fun...(TMI)
Drink water and dont eat anything for 24 hours but obviously not a great thing being a diabetic, for more advice id ring NHS direct.Hope you get over it asap. x
Drink water and dont eat anything for 24 hours but obviously not a great thing being a diabetic, for more advice id ring NHS direct.Hope you get over it asap. x

thanks steffie - I've forced some dinner down, and despite feeling hungry don't want to eat. But I've got juice in the fridge which may come in useful over the next few days.

Tbh I don't think its very severe and will probably be cleared out by tomorrow. Still feeling proper rough though.

I have been feeling super thirsty all day though - it actually made me think I was hypering most of the day...but wasn't. Odd.
Not juice Sam, the fruit acids will make things worse. Stick to water for now. Don't try to eat until you've stopped praying to the porcelain god, and the only have a very little of something bland like oatmeal. If it stays down for at least 30 mins, try a little more. And keep to a fairly bland diet for a day or two. The most important thing is to drink as much water as you can,
Not juice Sam, the fruit acids will make things worse. Stick to water for now. Don't try to eat until you've stopped praying to the porcelain god, and the only have a very little of something bland like oatmeal. If it stays down for at least 30 mins, try a little more. And keep to a fairly bland diet for a day or two. The most important thing is to drink as much water as you can,

is squash ok? I have a pint of it in front of me cuz i hate plain water.

ah, its not that it won't stay down if you get me 😛

bland i can do however. toast it is. And I have porridge oats 🙂
Hope you feel better soon hunny xxx
Hope you feel better soon Sam, but can someone tell me what TMI means??:confused:
Poor you. I had salmonella years ago...not good, not nice!! I couldn't eat or drink anything it was pretty grim.

I would try and keep it as simple as possible like water, dry crackers, dry toast and porridge is ok if done with water and not milk as this can make an upset stomach worse. Rich Tea biscuits are good too.

I hope you get well soon. Nothing worse than being ill in this heat!

Bernie x 🙂
woops soory thats obvious! clearly being dim today!

Take care

Rossi 🙂

Didn't like to say but hope this makes you feel better as i didn't know what TMI meant either 🙄

Bernie x
Awww no was great fun though. Lots of amber nectar was had by most...especially Tom 😉 I'm sure there'll be another meet up close by again :D

Bernie xx
I always keep some sachets of oral rehydration salts (or cafe sachets of sugar and regular table salt) and a spoon for measuring sugar and salt to make rehydration drinks at home and in my first aid kit when travelling. The spoons are intended for use in developing countries - probably the most useful healthcare I have ever done was teaching women how to make sugar salt solutions for when their children had diarrhoea and / or vomiting in Oaxaca state, Mexico - see Fortunately, my gut is pretty robust, but I reckon it's important to have these items to hand, as if you get really ill, you don't have time / energy etc to go and buy. One you start recovering and feeling you want to eat, I fond it best to eat what you crave - usually you'll want to right things eg yogurt, fluids in general, dry crackers or toast, boiled rice / pasta / potato, banana, apple etc and to avoid fatty foods.
I always keep some sachets of oral rehydration salts (or cafe sachets of sugar and regular table salt) and a spoon for measuring sugar and salt to make rehydration drinks at home and in my first aid kit when travelling. The spoons are intended for use in developing countries - probably the most useful healthcare I have ever done was teaching women how to make sugar salt solutions for when their children had diarrhoea and / or vomiting in Oaxaca state, Mexico - see Fortunately, my gut is pretty robust, but I reckon it's important to have these items to hand, as if you get really ill, you don't have time / energy etc to go and buy. One you start recovering and feeling you want to eat, I fond it best to eat what you crave - usually you'll want to right things eg yogurt, fluids in general, dry crackers or toast, boiled rice / pasta / potato, banana, apple etc and to avoid fatty foods.

thanks for that copepod, i don't have any of those thingies, but am drinking plenty of water.

Well, I really fancy some angel delight so I guess its an excuse to get some 😉

I don't feel like eating this morning, so will probably have just 1 piece of toast.
I was like this for 5 days starting Wednesday 30th June and ending up getting the "out of hours" Dr to me as I didn't dare move from the loo. I was told, variously, to fast (by my own Dr), not to fast (by NHS Direct nurse) and to have just toast by the out of hours Dr.

Immodium did no good at all - the first time I've not known that to work on me ! I just had loads of water, mixed with no added sugar fruit squash sometimes 'cos I was fed up with plain water---and it gradually subsided but, even now, I don't feel too safe.

I think it was a mixture of a bug, and/or something I ate and/or the extreme heat we've been "enjoying".

Like you, my bs stayed low (5.4ish) although I was expecting the usual rise when I'm ill.

I lost weight (fluid loss, I know) and did have lots of the dehydration sachets to replace the salts etc.

I DO hope you are both soon better - it's rotten isn't it ? Hugs all round....
I reckon if you're craving Angel Delight and feel you could manage some toast, then you are ready to start adding some food - I'd suggest making with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, rather than higher fat milk initially; if you like marmite, then can be good to add a bit of salt to your toast.
Worth getting some ORT sachets or sugar / salt spoons for next time, while hoping it will be a long time hence - spoons have no "use by" date, but even sachets last a long time. Buying spoons from TALC and adding a donation at the same time is a good way to support small, vital and effective charity which supports health education in developing countries.
You have my sympathy, My wife was hospitalised from a pre-cooked supermarket chicken And I myself was ill for days.
Hope you are feeling better soon xxx
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