this makes me sad

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
remember when we were on here about famous diabetics? And I think steff mentioned lucy beale from eastenders?

Well, Melissa Suffield has an official twitter page. She's what 18, and a T1 diabetic...and there's photos of her on there drinking herself silly and of her out with friends (you can tell these are personal photos by the way...) of her with these massively huge lollys.

I get so sad :( I want to send her a message directing her here and to my blog :(
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Yeah hun it twas me, it does make me so sad she must think she is invincible it will have a damaging effect on her if not straight away then sometime in the future.She is in the public eye and is definetly not a good role model
Yeah hun it twas me, it does make me so sad she must think she is invincible it will have a damaging effect on her if not straight away then sometime in the future.She is in the public eye and is definetly not a good role model

its horrible isn't it? :( What makes me feel even worse is that I was like her...chugging away on WKDs and smoking like a chimney. Now look at me - suffering with neuropathy and the start of retinopathy.

I've followed her twitter, I'm thinking of unprivatising my diabetes blog twitter and seeing if I can swing her over to my blog.
to be fair I think its a normal thing to go through, i smoked drank and had a few spliffs!😱 you grow out of it lol
i do still get stupid drunk sometimes though!!😱
to be fair I think its a normal thing to go through, i smoked drank and had a few spliffs!😱 you grow out of it lol
i do still get stupid drunk sometimes though!!😱

normal maybe, but trust me when I say that going through it to such an extent that you actually damage yourself is not normal, nor is it fun. And no, not everyone grows out of it. We're not all sensible. I would STILL be smoking 40 a day if I hadn't realised the damage it was doing to me.
normal maybe, but trust me when I say that going through it to such an extent that you actually damage yourself is not normal, nor is it fun

I think if i was told about half of the horrible things that could happen to me, I would not have done half of what I have done to be honest.... hindsight is a great thing though aint it xx
I think if i was told about half of the horrible things that could happen to me, I would not have done half of what I have done to be honest.... hindsight is a great thing though aint it xx

tell me about it. Because of my rebellion, my smoking habit, my being the worst diabetic in the world - I now have neuropathy. It is not fun to deal with. And it makes me really sad when I see others going down the exact same route I went down.

Boozing? Yeah I love it as much as the next girl - but there are limits with booze and diabetes. WKDs and diabetes don't mix. On a normal night out, with me consuming just real ale, my levels shoot up past 20. When I was at Uni, and out chugging the stuff like it was going out of fashion, my levels when I actually tested them (it was a rarity), were up in the 30's. Yeah, don't get me wrong - going out for a drink is ace. But not only should someone like Melissa in the public eye not make an idiot out of themselves but as a T1 should really take things a bit more seriously.

rant over, but yes, hindsight is a wonderful thing. If only I could turn back time.
tell me about it. Because of my rebellion, my smoking habit, my being the worst diabetic in the world - I now have neuropathy. It is not fun to deal with. And it makes me really sad when I see others going down the exact same route I went down.

Boozing? Yeah I love it as much as the next girl - but there are limits with booze and diabetes. WKDs and diabetes don't mix. On a normal night out, with me consuming just real ale, my levels shoot up past 20. When I was at Uni, and out chugging the stuff like it was going out of fashion, my levels when I actually tested them (it was a rarity), were up in the 30's. Yeah, don't get me wrong - going out for a drink is ace. But not only should someone like Melissa in the public eye not make an idiot out of themselves but as a T1 should really take things a bit more seriously.

rant over, but yes, hindsight is a wonderful thing. If only I could turn back time.

You are right in what your saying though, I dunno if i would of listened to anyone when I was 18 🙄

I do actually drink blue wkds hehe my blood sugars are never above 8 if im drinking though coz I test religiously, dont wanna wake up with a hang over and ketones 😱
Have you quit smoking now then? 40 a day must of been very hard to give up?🙄
yes I have quit smoking. When I finished university my OH made me cold turkey. There were the odd slip ups, but I am now smoke free. It was hard, but I did it for the good of my health and my diabetes because I knew that if I carried on then I would probably end up with no legs. And don't ask how I could afford to buy cigarettes on a student budget, because I have no idea myself...

You are exceptionally lucky if you drink blue WKDs and don't get high levels. Their sugar content is much more than a normal alcoholic drink.
I must be totally abnormal then i have never smoked a spliff nor been drunk.Thank goodness but still i ended up diabetic so maybe if id spent less time with my hand in the fridge and more time holding a beer bottle id of been ok haha x
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I must be totally abnormal then i have never smoked a spliff nor been drunk.Thank goodness but still i ended up diabetic so maybe if id spent less time with my hand in the fridge and more time holding a beer bottle id of been ok haha x

LOL STEFF! I'm glad someone said it 🙄
mate, i wouldn't worry.

I'm just worried now that I'm not being a normal 21 year old cuz I'm not out boozing all the time and smoking like a chimney 😱🙄

your alright you have obviously learned from your past experiences, I still get drunk though but I find it unfair that it only takes 5 dinks to get that way now!!😱
your alright you have obviously learned from your past experiences, I still get drunk though but I find it unfair that it only takes 5 dinks to get that way now!!😱

cheap night out 😛

If I could turn back time and NOT do what I did, I would. But I can't. So all I can do is try and be a rolemodel to those who are going down the same path I did.
I drank alot when I was first diagnosed. I am not sure if it was the honeymoon period or the amount of dancing I did too, but my levels were fine. Looking back I am suprised I never got into trouble, the amount of times I was ill or could not remember getting home, I dont know how I managed to keep my levels ok.
your alright you have obviously learned from your past experiences, I still get drunk though but I find it unfair that it only takes 5 dinks to get that way now!!😱

5 Drinks is a lot compared with me I'm a real lightweight! I have three and I'm drunk- anymore than that and I'm on the floor. I've never been really drunk though. I'm always checking my bg's when I have had a little to drink because I worry about hypo's. I'm relieved that I was diagnosed when I was because I had gotten past the novelty of being able to buy alcohol x
For me I do occaisionally smoke cigars but I'm not a smoker in the conventional sense. I suppose it's just something about the odd cigar every so often that makes them attractive to me. I do drink and at times rather heavily. That said, compaired to some of my mates I am something of a lightweight. Beer doesn't really do me any favours in terms of bloods but I can't abide spirits if I'm honest. Any excuse to stop off at the chippie after a night out for me is appreciated!
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