Thirsty all the time

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So after my shock type 2 diagnosis nearly 2 years ago I felt like I was finally in control and on top of this awful disease. I learned moderation regular exercise and lost some weight. Then put some back on on as i went silly not really eating in the beginning. HB1ac down from 75 to 34 at its lowest. It was 37 in September. Since November when my beloved dog died I have really struggled. I've comfort eaten and eaten far too much naughty food. I am now constantly thirsty no matter what I drink. I'm pulling myself back by really watching my diet again but the thirst is really worrying me. I am back testing with my home monitor and whilst my readings are higher than they were they are still within normal non diabetic limits and nowhere near what they were when I was first diagnosed and the first few months. My morning reading is the only one outside of non diabetic limits and that is up to 6 or 6.5 from around 5.5. Is it likely that my monitor is giving me false hope my levels aren't out of control? I had a thirst just before diagnosis but nothing like this I just can't quench it. I've got my next hb1ac booked in end of Feb but I'm really worrying. I feel so ashamed I've let myself binge and eat so much rubbish but at same time it was so nice to just eat what I wanted without thinking. Sorry for the moan I just wanted to vent to people that understand.
Can you speak to a GP about it, maybe they will bring your a1c forward and check into other causes of thirst too. It’s not just diabetes that can make you have a dry mouth
It would definitely be a good idea to speak to your GP and try to get your blood test brought forward just to check.
It is very easy for things to slip and sometimes going back to basics and keeping a food diary of everything you are eating and drinking with an estimate of the amount of carbs so you can see if you are exceeding the amount you were having when you successfully managed to get your blood glucose levels down before.
Thirst is an indicator that your blood glucose is high but that doesn't quite tally with what you are seeing on your monitor. Could your strips be out of date.
Problems with your salivary glands can cause a dry mouth which people interpret as being thirsty or your electrolyte balance could be out of whack.
A good plan to call your GP.
Thanks. My test strips are new so not out of date. I know my food has been way way out of control. Its ok now and I'm back to minimal carbs and no junk. It was bad for a few month I just had total burnout and with the grief I just couldn't focus on food at all and I did eat alot of stuff we shouldn't like chocolate and pizza. There was no moderation at all.

I'm at my gp next week for another issue so I'll mention it then but I'm not hopeful my bloods will be brought forward as that was the earliest apt I could get they are so busy and impossible to get in touch with. Suppose even if they are brought forward and bad the advice will be watch my diet and re do in a few months and I'm trying with my diet again anyways. When I know the cause of any increase I'm sure they will let me try and rectify it. I'm just so mad at myself and depressed because I really struggled with my diagnosis and needed counselling. I went to extremes with my diet and had to be pulled out of that and now I'm at the other extreme and struggling to stop eating chocolate and puddings again
@Jo121 I am sorry to read about your loss and your current health problems.
I second (third?) the comments about talking to your GP. When we have diabetes, it is easy for us (and our docs) to blame it for everything. But it is not the only thing that can cause thirst so I definitely think it should be checked out. And checked out with an open mind.

Good luck getting back on track ... but be kind to yourself. Loss of a family member (yes, a dog is definitely a family member) is tough and you need to give yourself the chance to grieve.
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