Think ive cracked it again

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had a lot going on lately and although i had my blood sugars perfect now on pump , bs went out of control and i had to renew basal doses i think i might have cracked it what do you think ?

14/04/11 8.30pm =5.0
15/04/11 12.47am=5.0

Actually chuffed with these considering pre pump my bs were terrible and my Hba1c's hadnt been uner 10-11 for over ten years !😱and i was very anti pump before i completed DAFNE.Just so pleased i gave it a go ,my diabetes has never been better :D
Looks pretty darn good to me!!!! Well done you!! :D 🙂 XXXXX
Wow! Those results are impressive :D I'm jealous 🙄 Well done
looknig good jenny.............looking good................

proof of the benefits i would say.................:D
Its really good to have so much positivity after years of getting it wrong and feeling negetive .
Thank you i am i have a Hba1c in 2 weeks hoping to improve yet again 🙂
Jenny well done all looking gooood x hope you get a good hbA result x
I usually can only dream of numbers like that but I've had to drop my basal the last couple of days, haven't a clue why. Moon must be in Jupiter. But obviously on MDI I haven't intensely tested as there's a limit to what you can adjust! (soon .... must be patient LOL)

Well done you!
Thank you , Trophywrench like you i have had diabetes for a long time ,its only since i got the pump things really started to improve for me ,Good luck with yours ~Jenny
Wow Jenny, really impressive! Well done! Hope your next Hba1c is in the 6's!!! Even if it's not you are still doing brilliantly! :D

So many people do not want to try a pump, it is such a shame as it can really make a big difference to control as you have shown. If only more people would just try it out and at least then if they choose to stick with MDI they are doing so after trying all options.
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