Think im now diabetic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
My hb1c was 48 then June 41. But i am off a med not related to anything here which left me weak waking and didnt feel better till ate carbs, which originally i had to cut out as caused pain . But i was losing weight and cant afford too. And had ti eat then again and suffer pain (i have gastritis all stomach inflammed) i then started to fall asleep go tired eating them .i am now hungry all time and one bowl shreddies which i know have sugar in my sugars were 13 hr after.then i sat down and could hsrdly stay awake. The other dsy i ate puffed wheat then 2 toast. I know i was asking for trouble but so hungry. Layer some chicken and greens a yogurt (i never usually eat as affect gastritis abd even plain yogs are carbs) then i fell asleep about 15 mins. The hungry again and stuoidly ate 2 small soda brewds at 7pm .fell asleep by 8 pm .at 9 pm sugars were 10. By bed at 12 6.6. Woje this morning 6.8 alrresdy and im hungry but now dont want to eat aa had eniugh deaking with gastritis diet and issues since off a med. I never drink juice but got so fed up i bought a mixed fruit juice high sugars i know. I cant remember what id eaten all day byt drank it all. Bed and woke 2 hrs later starving hungry and drank what was left in another bottle..i dont think gp will give me another blood test as last one june. I ate crazy since then.. i csnt do eggs bacon nuts yogs fats and dairy . I see a g i this week hoping if i mention hell add a hb1c to screen as im due a blood test next minth booked for ither issues and it coud be dont then. My gp also did an fasting bloods in june and said was normal. But eaten bad since to get energy. Im going to have to go back sonehow to just one plain meak a day as if i have one bowl if cereal i want more until im awake so to spewk. The drug abd another off has messed me up . Gp no clue . Its hard cos im hungry. Im 5.2 and i stine and yes its bad cos now fat morr on abdomen nowhere else. Im 73 female. How stupid am I I know its mt fault . She did a elastaise atool all ok. No h pylori. Since off the med i get high chatty eating carbs or fruit in pain but wakung it left me weak arms legs and often feels like no enerygy till eaten. If i could eat egg and bacon i would but gastritis cant. Cant eat red meat. I now get some pain right side. I have no gallbladder. Worried re fatty liver. ive had a GES test but they said my food had gone after 3 hrs . But there was ni fat in food. But in oain in back again after eatung it 2 hrs later as had toast jam and egg white omelette.. im sure im diabetic but dont pee all night
All I see is one block of very black bold print :(

Can you please set out your post in paragraphs so it's easier to read? 🙂

I see from the title you think you are diabetic? Perhaps a good idea to ring your GP practice and ask for some blood tests, then you will know yes or no 🙂
I dont know how to edit my post. Do not know why bold..i have trouble writing.

All i wanted was someones exoeriences re my sugar levels, and falling asleep eating carbs or hardly stay awake . My gp wont do another blood test as wont do for another 3 months but trying to explain last one was June and ive eaten way too many carbs, and pkts biscuits since and , yes i know my fault, but i am very weak waking and dont feel better till eaten. And brain wakes up then takes all a.m. till eaten food , due to coming off a med 1 yr ago , not related to diabetis. i have some learning issues too, hence bad writing . Seems noone else understands my post, as no replies , and i guess people tried read and thought too confusing. Thanks anyway. And anyone else
Everybody has been asleep since you posted so not have not had opportunity to reply.
It is difficult to separate symptoms that may be caused by diabetes and those from something else. You do sound to have had a number of tests and I can understand why they may not want to do another HbA1C after only a short time as that test is an average over the previous 3 months.
Is there any reason why ou are not taking the medication for the gastritis.
I found that by reducing my carbohydrate that stomach related issue were improved.
Things like puffed wheat are high carb even though they have no 'sugar'
I wonder if you have a gluten allergy and you are reacting to things with wheat.
Something like full fat Greek yoghurt is low carb but very filling so should help to curb your hunger.
But you do need to speak to your GP about this.
I assume you have a home blood glucose monitor, did you buy this yourself or did your GP provide it?
Good morning @Basten. Yes, you put down so many things, one after the other, and that makes your post difficult to follow. Never mind, we can still see if we can help.

Your last HbA1c result, at 41, is fine. On that basis it looks like your problems are not associated with diabetes. You say you have had a spot result of 10. This should not worry you, because it came back down to the normal range after a couple of hours.

The problems you are having are unlikely to be due to diabetes as the rest of us experience it. As @Leadinglights says your best approach is to persevere with your GP to try and get to the bottom of things and work out the best way forward with you.

In the mean time, perhaps it would help if you could tell us the one thing that is worrying you most?
Just found your message thanks. Yes i have a monitor. And all im trying to ask is do we fall asleep eating carbs. Or go can hardly stay awake..? And ive told my gp and shes not interested as had it done june . If i eat a bowl of shreddies which never do usually, my sugars go to 13 and sit down and can hardly stay awake..I have eaten 2 smalll soda bresds at 7 pm fall asleep at 8 , wake at 9 and sugars 9 .7. The other day they were 6.6 going to bed and woke to 6..8. The other night id eaten pizzza , which i never do due to gaastritis, and then a yogurt and sooo hungry so two biscuits finished at 6.45. I didnt check till 10 pm and they were 9.2 , so thats 3 hrs later so must have been high . This morning 6.8. The only way i cant get anither blood test is if gastro Friday can put on screen. I try to stop carbs now any sugars , but needed for energy. Thankyou for replying. I want to delete my posts as feel stupid and dont know how to
Just found your message thanks. Yes i have a monitor. And all im trying to ask is do we fall asleep eating carbs. Or go can hardly stay awake..? And ive told my gp and shes not interested as had it done june . If i eat a bowl of shreddies which never do usually, my sugars go to 13 and sit down and can hardly stay awake..I have eaten 2 smalll soda bresds at 7 pm fall asleep at 8 , wake at 9 and sugars 9 .7. The other day they were 6.6 going to bed and woke to 6..8. The other night id eaten pizzza , which i never do due to gaastritis, and then a yogurt and sooo hungry so two biscuits finished at 6.45. I didnt check till 10 pm and they were 9.2 , so thats 3 hrs later so must have been high . This morning 6.8. The only way i cant get anither blood test is if gastro Friday can put on screen. I try to stop carbs now any sugars , but needed for energy. Thankyou for replying. I want to delete my posts as feel stupid and dont know how to
Good Morning @Basten

I can sense your anxiety levels are high. Make an appointment with your GP to talk all this through with them as it may be that they are missing something or can at least reassure you and treat the anxiety. Sugar levels will fluctuate after eating whether you are diabetic or not but your reading of 41 at your last test is OK. The test looks at the cells for the last 3 month so not worth re-testing until the end of September. It might be wise to stop the self glucose testing as that may also be causing you anxiety, unless your GP suggested testing yourself it could be counter productive.

I note you have gastric issues, it may be worth asking to speak to a nutritionist or dietician to discuss what you can eat that will keep you feeling full and not cause further issues.

I can see you need reassurance (we all do 🙂 )

I wish you luck with resolving this, have a good day
Good morning @Basten. Yes, you put down so many things, one after the other, and that makes your post difficult to follow. Never mind, we can still see if we can help.

Your last HbA1c result, at 41, is fine. On that basis it looks like your problems are not associated with diabetes. You say you have had a spot result of 10. This should not worry you, because it came back down to the normal range after a couple of hours.

The problems you are having are unlikely to be due to diabetes as the rest of us experience it. As @Leadinglights says your best approach is to persevere with your GP to try and get to the bottom of things and work out the best way forward with you.

In the mean time, perhaps it would help if you could tell us the one thing that is worrying you most?
It doesnt matter. I cant figure why fall asleep sitting down eating carbs or can hardly stay awake, or standing suddenly tired. My old friend was type 1 and always fell asleep after meal. My daughter we took her bloods to see, shes not disberic, after a bowl shreddies, hers were 7. Mine were 13. Yes they come down eventually . I am limited to foods due to gastritis oesoohgitis and now all stomach inflammed like no spices , fats like bacon, nuts, usually no dairy, inc yoghurts, and cant eat eggs, nut butter, toms or raw food like salad as take too long to digest .Thankyou. I cant delete my post, or older ones .maybe you can. If i cut carbs, I'll lose weight and i can't afford to , but not under for my height of 5 2 at 9 stone. I also have hypertension, high cholesterol but no statins . I'd go paleo more if could
Good Morning @Basten

I can sense your anxiety levels are high. Make an appointment with your GP to talk all this through with them as it may be that they are missing something or can at least reassure you and treat the anxiety. Sugar levels will fluctuate after eating whether you are diabetic or not but your reading of 41 at your last test is OK. The test looks at the cells for the last 3 month so not worth re-testing until the end of September. It might be wise to stop the self glucose testing as that may also be causing you anxiety, unless your GP suggested testing yourself it could be counter productive.

I note you have gastric issues, it may be worth asking to speak to a nutritionist or dietician to discuss what you can eat that will keep you feeling full and not cause further issues.

I can see you need reassurance (we all do 🙂 )

I wish you luck with resolving this, have a good day
Yes i have but she wasnt bothered and , no i brought the monitor as was pre nearly .. i cant afford to pay for a nutritionist and she knows all my issues but never suggested a dietician and way NHS is and our surgery, , i cant be bothered with the hassle. . Your reply was kind thankyou. I wont ask for snother test yet
I would think you have hit the nail on the head yourself as tiredness and falling asleep are symptoms of high blood glucose which will be as a result of eating those very high carbohydrate foods you have mentioned.
Make sure you stay well hydrated and drink plenty of water.
But it could be other reasons as well so you should be insistent with your GP, vitamin B12 deficiency is a possibility of you have gastric issues.
If you have stomach problems @Basten perhaps your absorption of vitamins and minerals is affected. If that were to cause a deficiency, then that could make you feel tired. Obvious ones to look at are iron levels, Vitamin D and the B vitamins.

You don’t need to delete your post. I get why you’re asking these questions. I hope you feel better soon.
I would think you have hit the nail on the head yourself as tiredness and falling asleep are symptoms of high blood glucose which will be as a result of eating those very high carbohydrate foods you have mentioned.
Make sure you stay well hydrated and drink plenty of water.
But it could be other reasons as well so you should be insistent with your GP, vitamin B12 deficiency is a possibility of you have gastric issues.
If i stop them is it too late to reverse. Im so angry with myself.
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