Think i just made a masive mistake

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Think i just made made a mistake. My low alerm went off went off said it was 4.2 it then said 4.7 so i left in alone but then an alerm went off again. Didnt seem to be working so i finger picked reading was 4.6 thought okay we dont reaaly want tobe there so ate a chocolate disgistive. But at thid time in morning it proberly would have go up on its own. So wortied im going high like above 10 when it comes to brackfast time. Or maybe it was going go down again if i left alone maybe. I guess ill find out. But worried im going to regart that when i get up.
Stop worrying! Small mistake, maybe, wait and see. Massive mistake, almost certainly not.
Perhaps just half the biscuit might have been a better call, but nothing to worry about.
Stop worrying! Small mistake, maybe, wait and see. Massive mistake, almost certainly not.
Perhaps just half the biscuit might have been a better call, but nothing to worry about.
maybe or maybe should have had rich tea biscut instead which is less carbs. i guess i can give myslef more insulin with breakfast if things go two bad but i do have slight more of busy in morning then usally(only slight)
@rayray119 in another thread, I think you said you need to stop being a perfectionist.
As silentsquirel said, this is not a massive mistake. It may not be a mistake at all. You will find out in the morning and put it down as a lesson learnt.
When there are so many things that can effect our blood sugars, much of diabetes management (never control) is down to trial and error

Please remember mental health issues are greater for people with diabetes and trying to control your diabetes and have perfect numbers is setting yourself up for a fail.
Be nice to your mental health and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn.
normally it walks
@rayray119 in another thread, I think you said you need to stop being a perfectionist.
As silentsquirel said, this is not a massive mistake. It may not be a mistake at all. You will find out in the morning and put it down as a lesson learnt.
When there are so many things that can effect our blood sugars, much of diabetes management (never control) is down to trial and error

Please remember mental health issues are greater for people with diabetes and trying to control your diabetes and have perfect numbers is setting yourself up for a fail.
Be nice to your mental health and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn.
Well i have anxiety anyway
Looking okay now


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My consultant held off prescribing me the libre because of my anxiety. I didn’t agree at the time but I know where he was coming from now. At one point I was scanning literally every five minutes. Did you have anxiety before diabetes ray ray, or as a result of it ? X
My consultant held off prescribing me the libre because of my anxiety. I didn’t agree at the time but I know where he was coming from now. At one point I was scanning literally every five minutes. Did you have anxiety before diabetes ray ray, or as a result of it ? X
Had it before that was one the reasons they thought i should have the libre but it doesnt always help
Congratulate yourself @rayray119

You made a judgement, and took carefully measured action. 4.2-4.7 is really close to dipping into a hypo, but a digestive at approx 10g carbs is likely (on average) to push your BG up 3-3.5 points. So if your BG was staying dead level, you most likely would have got to 7.7 - 8.2, which are both numbers I’d be happy to wake on.

I’d certainly far rather wake at 8 than 4.1, because of the increased likelihood of having been in the 3s for hours overnight if you wake below 5.

Remember that you can spend about a quarter of your time above 10.0 and still have an on-target HbA1c.

Hope you aren’t too sleepy today after your disturbed night. 🙂
Well i wasnt really l sleeping anyway becauase a lot of diait coke at pub i was i Went to a meet up of facebook of type 1 diabetics the wired thing is i snacked in the evening had a snack before bed my found my slef snacking in the midle of the night to try and keep things up(all of these were around 10 carbs. to try didnt have time to wait had a pot of plain of plain that said it was


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Don't worry. To put it into perspective last night my BS went wildly up for no apparent reason on my Libre 2 to 18mm. A finger-prick test confirmed it. I had to inject both Basal and Bolus before sleep and guessed what to inject relaying on the Alarms. I was 6.5 this morning so I got it right. You just have to accept quite wide fluctuations despite doing all the right things with carb-count, timings and so on. Some are lucky with flat BS profiles but many of us live with big variations.
It sounds like your Tresiba dose is a little high if you kept topping up with carbs through the night to keep from dropping too low. I think I mentioned this in one of your other posts when you were coming back on the coach and you hypoed. It might be worth discussing this with your DSN. It is not unusual for basal insulin needs to reduce a little in the first few weeks and months as your remaining Beta cells have a bit of a break from slogging away with the insulin you inject and then they pick up their production again after a bit of a rest. To me that Libre graph ;ooks like your levels are trending downwards and you are having to keep nudging them up with a few carbs here and there to stop you dropping into the red. I had a night like that last night with my levels and will be reducing my basal insulin tonight as a result.
Don't worry. To put it into perspective last night my BS went wildly up for no apparent reason on my Libre 2 to 18mm. A finger-prick test confirmed it. I had to inject both Basal and Bolus before sleep and guessed what to inject relaying on the Alarms. I was 6.5 this morning so I got it right. You just have to accept quite wide fluctuations despite doing all the right things with carb-count, timings and so on. Some are lucky with flat BS profiles but many of us live with big variations.
Sometimes my novo rapid works insutslly sometimes it dosent somtimes what ever of my own insulin i have left at the moment will decided to work along side it.0l
It sounds like your Tresiba dose is a little high if you kept topping up with carbs through the night to keep from dropping too low. I think I mentioned this in one of your other posts when you were coming back on the coach and you hypoed. It might be worth discussing this with your DSN. It is not unusual for basal insulin needs to reduce a little in the first few weeks and months as your remaining Beta cells have a bit of a break from slogging away with the insulin you inject and then they pick up their production again after a bit of a rest. To me that Libre graph ;ooks like your levels are trending downwards and you are having to keep nudging them up with a few carbs here and there to stop you dropping into the red. I had a night like that last night with my levels and will be reducing my basal insulin tonight as a result.
When they looked at it before its been flat. It seems to sometimes to flat but somtimes not. It will sometimes i remember at my last appoinment they ask me how much levierm i take and maybe ajusting that in morning when i said i take trisbria they said we can't do that then as its gernally felt over night. ill dicuss things. i do more in the evening last night. i was told i was treisiba takes up to 3 days to catch up if you change it does sound like pumps may be a it prafical espally when i go back to work which is shift work but becase i've only just been dianosed i dnt think i'll be able to get one.

i have aslo just got a bit worried that i didn't actully give myslef my novo rapid for tea but dealed it up its a feeling i have but i don't actully know so i know its safer to leave it for now and check on it leter.
@rayray119 I think there is reluctance to provide pumps early on because they may fail so you need to feel comfortable to revert to injections quickly under pressure. Plus there is a lot more to consider with a pump so it is good to start injecting to learn the basics.

Regarding not being sure if you have taken your NovoRapid, it may be useful to ask your diabetes team if you could have a NovoEcho pen. These are reusable pens (much better in my opinion but I hate waste) with a count-down on the top which tells you when you last took your dose.

Finally, have you spoken to your diabetes team about your anxiety? They may be able to help in terms of your diabetes management.
@rayray119 I think there is reluctance to provide pumps early on because they may fail so you need to feel comfortable to revert to injections quickly under pressure. Plus there is a lot more to consider with a pump so it is good to start injecting to learn the basics.

Regarding not being sure if you have taken your NovoRapid, it may be useful to ask your diabetes team if you could have a NovoEcho pen. These are reusable pens (much better in my opinion but I hate waste) with a count-down on the top which tells you when you last took your dose.

Finally, have you spoken to your diabetes team about your anxiety? They may be able to help in terms of your diabetes management.
I do have A novo echo pen but i sunlly got worided i i i didnt put in my smotch and just pushed the button down turns i did and needed eat a biscut again. I think it was one of the moments that my axitey kicked in

I get that they just sound easier in terms of life sytle but i wonder if i would get on better with a long acting one that you split rather then one one in go
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