Think I am finally all cryed out

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Got bad news yesterday re me being abble to conceive naturally - it aint likely ever to happen. I'm now being referred for IVF - don't know if I am physically or mentally gonna be able to do this!!

It made me feel like I felt when I lost my two babies.

This is such a hard blow to me as since diagnoses I have done everything possible to get as fit and healthy as possible.....................and now this.

Life is just so not fair.
ahhhhh bless you Dizzy Thats tough news :( i cant really say anything but send you the BIGGEST HUGGGGG ever xxxxx
Oh dear, I'm so sorry....What an awful blow. It's incredibly, incredibly unfair.

If it helps at all, I know what it's like to wait and not know, etc... We did manage to conceive but each time it took over a year... I've been pregnant four times. And have two children.

We went through various beginning treatments, one of which worked for one pregnancy. The others came out of the blue.

Anyway. I just wanted to say that I have an inkling of how hard it all is -- and on top of having diabetes... Rough for you and your partner.

Thinking of you.
I am really sorry to hear this news. I cant offer any words of wisdom as I have three children and lost one child. I do know some friends who were successful with IVF and then went on to have their own naturally conceived child. I know it is a long road that you may have to go down, but lets hope that you manage to reach your goal. I will be thinking of you.🙂Bev xxx
I'm really sorry - I dont know if it's still about but there used to be a forum called "Trying To Conceive" - it was based in the US but some of us UK folks used it too, was a lifesaver for me when we were trying - gave us lots of info on maximising our chances (charting temps etc).

Dont give up hope though - I was also told it was unlikely I'd conceive/carry to term again and was given 2 final months of clomid before they did my ablation or hysterectomy, the next month I was pregnant with the triplets.
Got bad news yesterday re me being abble to conceive naturally - it aint likely ever to happen. I'm now being referred for IVF - don't know if I am physically or mentally gonna be able to do this!!

It made me feel like I felt when I lost my two babies.

This is such a hard blow to me as since diagnoses I have done everything possible to get as fit and healthy as possible.....................and now this.

Life is just so not fair.

dont give up dec 2002 told me i will never conceive naturally only IVF lost already one 5 operation on my tubes and uterus feb 2003 i was pregnant realize that i was pregnant in may because i did not have any simptoms i only thought i will never be a mum and i am not diabetic remember the female body is still a mistery even for top docs!!
oh i start trying for a baby when i was 28 i had graham at 34 so allow a bit of time
Dizzy Di,

That really saddens me just reading your news but I hope you feel a little encourgaed by the words above, all touching storied.

I wish you lots of love and luck that something happens soon for you. Thinking of you.

Lou xx
Don't give up hope Di. Try and relax and not think about it for a while and then go back to it refreshed. I have heard of people who took a break and then started again and had a baby after the first cycle of the new treatment. After watching everyone else have babies I had one when I was 28, and I didn't look back.
Thanks Everyone

I'm definately taking some time out for a while.

Feel like I have been fighting this for nearly 3 years - I know it is not a long time really but I think I am drained emotionally & physically.

I need to decide if I want to try IVF or just start the adoption process. I've said all along I would like to adpot and think this could be the best option for me.

Love to you all and thanks again xxx
There IS always hope, my wife had 4 misscariages and was told she would never carry, we now have 2 children. Doctors are good, but mother nature knows her stuff.

Be patient and relaxed even with treatment it won't happen overnight.

I hope it all ends well for you
I'm definately taking some time out for a while.

Feel like I have been fighting this for nearly 3 years - I know it is not a long time really but I think I am drained emotionally & physically.

I need to decide if I want to try IVF or just start the adoption process. I've said all along I would like to adpot and think this could be the best option for me.

Love to you all and thanks again xxx

As a Mum of one daughter I was very sorry to hear of your sadness. I lost one baby before term and had 2 further miscarriages (and still recall the dates even all these years later). Don't give up things have moved on so much from my days. May I send hugs too ?
I'm definately taking some time out for a while.

Feel like I have been fighting this for nearly 3 years - I know it is not a long time really but I think I am drained emotionally & physically.

I need to decide if I want to try IVF or just start the adoption process. I've said all along I would like to adpot and think this could be the best option for me.

Love to you all and thanks again xxx

Hiya Dizzy

Sorry this has happened and you have these result. You will work it out what is best for you, IVF or adoption and you have all of our support and strength when needed.

Take care
Hi Dizzy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your news. Like everyone else has said, please don't be discouraged - whether it's IVF or adoption it sounds like there are still options... I have a relative who adopted their first child after trying via IVF for some years, they'd basically given up on having a "biological" child... but some years later conceived naturally (boy were they surprised! 🙂) and so now have two kids. There's also a really strong "tradition" (if you pardon the phrase) of adoption in my hubby's family, which is actually closer knit than most totally "biological" families I know! (hate that phrase, sorry, can't think of another way of putting it!!!)

I know it's really easy for us to say, but whatever you do, be kind to yourself and don't despair - life has a really funny way of proving docs wrong sometimes! Big hug to you,

Twitchy x
I'm definately taking some time out for a while.

Feel like I have been fighting this for nearly 3 years - I know it is not a long time really but I think I am drained emotionally & physically.

I need to decide if I want to try IVF or just start the adoption process. I've said all along I would like to adpot and think this could be the best option for me.

Love to you all and thanks again xxx

Whatever you decide good luck. We adopted a little feller and found the adoption process very stresful, but it is now showing us rewards. If you want to talk about it PM me as there is too much to describe in a brief answer here.

There are a lot of positives here from others, and there is always hope.
Whatever you decide good luck. We adopted a little feller and found the adoption process very stresful, but it is now showing us rewards. If you want to talk about it PM me as there is too much to describe in a brief answer here.

There are a lot of positives here from others, and there is always hope.

Hi Caroline, I will PM you at some point re adoption. I'm just taking a little time out at the moment from it all. Once my head is straight I'll come for some advice.

& Thanks to everyone else for your kind words and thought.

Love to you all

Di x
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