think about it.....

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
A a follow-on from my 'proud' thread, i thought i would start one asking how many of you would consider volunteering on a DUK weekend?

All of you on here would have something to offer either children or their carers or adults - you have all helped so much with Alex and myself over the past months that i think it would be great for you to do something like this.
Just sharing your stories would be powerful for many people - good or bad!

Please consider it as your knowledge is INVALUABLE to people newly diagnosed and it was so very inspiring seeing 'real' people and to hear their stories!

Medical people are brilliant - but they cant tell you how it 'feels' to be diabetic - you can!:D Bev
I once did try to volunteer, but was messed around a bit with my application and in the end decided it wasn't worth the hassle, but maybe I should think about revisiting the idea....
Yes i would be more than willing to volunteer :D:D
Hi, I can't help much on the diabetic side as only just diagnosed but i work with children and could maybe help out there?
I applied this year but haven't heard anything back... It's a shame as I'd really like to do it!

I am also going on an adult support weekend next week in Coventry which I'm quite excited about. I'm dragging my poor boyfriend along too. What an exciting half term he'll have... :D
I did consider it and even printed the forms off at the beginning of the year, but never got round to filling them in. I was also unsure if I would have to take annual leave to do it. I would consider applying next year
I would love to. do they do them all over the country?

Katie, yes they do them all over the country all year round! Please consider it - there are teenagers who go on these things who really need a young person to talk to who understands! If a doctor tells them they must test their sugars - they will ignore him - if you told them they need to do it - they would probably open up and tell you why they dont and you could perhaps help them find a way! You would also get so much out of it too - imagine helping to change someones perception of diabetes into a more positive view? Go for it Katie! Bev
I once did try to volunteer, but was messed around a bit with my application and in the end decided it wasn't worth the hassle, but maybe I should think about revisiting the idea....

Please give it another go - we met 'pingu' off this forum there (although i dint know she was pingu at the time) and she was truly inspirational to both the parents and the kids! All the kids want to see is a 'normal' person who has a job and can explain to them how diabetes fits in with their lifestyle! They also like to see real pumps and set changes and also like to see how adults inject and look for tips etc.. Bev
Yes i would be more than willing to volunteer :D:D

Then ring them up today and ask for the forms! You have so much you can offer either a child or a newly diagnosed diabetic, it would be a waste if you dont share your experiences! Bev
Hi, I can't help much on the diabetic side as only just diagnosed but i work with children and could maybe help out there?

Absolutely they would bite your hand off if you offered help with the children!
All parents want to know is that whilst they are in a lecture someone will be able to deal with a hypo and more importantly make their children feel safe!
Aso there is a designated injection room for all the children to go to - this is to help those who have never injected or who find it traumatising to inject - i witnessed a few over the weekend who lost their fear after seeing other children inject themselves - but also lots of the volunteers were wonderful in helping the children overcome any fears and managed to turn the otherwise traumatic situation into a positive one - with the children leaving the room feeling very proud of their achievements! DUK do give lots of training for this so dont feel as if you would be on your own! Get that form today! Bev
I applied this year but haven't heard anything back... It's a shame as I'd really like to do it!

I am also going on an adult support weekend next week in Coventry which I'm quite excited about. I'm dragging my poor boyfriend along too. What an exciting half term he'll have... :D

Well done Munjeeta - i am sure your experiences will be most welcomed! Havent been to an adult weekend - but if they are anything like the family weekends you will all get something out of it! Even your boyfriend! Bev
I did consider it and even printed the forms off at the beginning of the year, but never got round to filling them in. I was also unsure if I would have to take annual leave to do it. I would consider applying next year

You are always full of very sensible advice and never make anyone feel 'scared' of any parts of diabetes - so ithink you would be wonderful on one of these! If you just did the weekend one you would perhaps only have to have half a day off on the friday (depending where the hotel is from where you live) and given how knowledgeable your are on this forum i feel sure you would also be inspirational to anyone who is newly diagnosed or even a child who is struggling. A 13 year old girl went to our weekend and she refused to eat at school so she didnt have to inject (she hadnt even told her friends she was diabetic) but by the sunday morning at breakfast she was queuing up with all the other children and promptly sat at the table and injected in front of everyone! Can you imagine being instrumental in helping to change the way a young person thinks about their diabetes? It really would change their lives for the better - and you would feel positive that you had helped! Go for it!🙂 Bev

Well done Bev for selling the role of volunteer work.

I've been doing voluntary work for over 15 years on children's holidays, family weekends and adult support weekends.

You can help look after the children, support the parents during the sessions and share experiences as a parent with a child with diabetes or even help at adult support weekends by facilitating during sessions, giving your input.

Here is the website for further information:-

All the staff at the Care Support Team are very friendly people and keen for new recruits.
I applied to volunteer for the weekend you have just been on Bev and they had their full quota! She said unless I could learn to be a dietician really, really quickly they didnt need anyone else!! (err....she was obviously desperate for dietcicians at the last moment!).

I volunteered for DUK last year and went to Scotland for a bank of scotland event (pre-scandal!) for the Cairngorm Mountainbike Challenge. It was great fun! It was a combined charity event with Age concern and Clic Sargent but DUK got a huge wad of the money and was of their main events. I also met other volunteers with diabetes, so it was great for me. Definately would recommend!
i would love to do it and would see it as an honour to be chosen to attend one bev 🙂
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