Things said to you that make you go greee and wanna rip their head off

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wondered if other people had any of these, some of mine are;
Well done you are our first Christmas overdose
When being accessed under the mental health act got told by my own psychiatrist who was part of the duty team- you have had to many of these assessments after sh events, for ***** sake frequent suicidal crisis are one of the diagnostic signs of blpd it says so in the DVSM which is there bible, aforesaid pdoc is a kn**head anyway
You are a big lady, said to me at a bus stop by some bloke whos lucky I didt lay him out. Nothing wrong with his eyesight at least
You have diabeties I have never meet a diabetic before. Well I have news for you mate we are everywhere and planning total world domination
Gaill just wanted to say before i answer that has to be the best title for a thread ever lol.

Things that get my goat....All the sympathic awww and ahhh i get when i tell someone im diabetic, best line i got was will you get better 🙄

People who should know better namly family talking behind my back about the best way to handle my birthday for example, we must not let her even sniff abit of cake incase she goes all gaga,i assure you i can be in the same room as sweets and i swear i wont scoff them in one breathe.
Having lost 14kg this summer and 2 dress sizes, I walked past a dress shop in Turkey and the woman came out and said 'Come in madam we have some very big sizes for you'. Arghhhh 😡
Having lost 14kg this summer and 2 dress sizes, I walked past a dress shop in Turkey and the woman came out and said 'Come in madam we have some very big sizes for you'. Arghhhh 😡

Id of said yes and i have a very big sized fist to go right on your chin .EAT THIS!
Having lost 14kg this summer and 2 dress sizes, I walked past a dress shop in Turkey and the woman came out and said 'Come in madam we have some very big sizes for you'. Arghhhh 😡
OMG if that had been me there would have been what is politely termed a diplomatic incident.
I remember being told by an Arabic matriarch of a Jordanian family with whom I spent Christmas after my A levels that "you could be Arab, but you're too tall" - I was very honoured, as she meant that my face looked Arab (colouring is much more varied than most westerners think) and my manners were Arab, but I was tall even then, aged 19. Finally, I'm making a serious attempt to learn Arabic, in time to volunteer for London 2012 Olympics.

So, I think the Turkish woman's comment needs to be seen in the context of height, rather than breadth.
Some years ago whilst on holiday, when I was bigger than I am now, a pregnant shop asst came over and said "how far along are you?" No, I wasn't pregnant!!!! I just walked out!

And more recently with this waiting for my scan results "If it was anything serious, they'd have been in touch" I feel like screaming "how serious do you want it to be? I lost the use of my hand, my smile drooped and my speech was affected - what do you want me to do, turn green and grow another head??"
Hmm well I am quite tall and maybe she was trying to be helpful. There was no need for her to hold up what could only be described as a 'rent a tent' frock and demonstrate how the folds allow it to fit huge sizes lol. I went to another shop where the lady was much more diplomatic.😛
My favourite when I was younger was "you have a lovely face, now if you could just loose weight you might even get yourself a boyfriend!". Another more recent one was "you have T2 don't you? Don't worry once you loose the weight you will be cured"...
Can you just................. by work colleagues who are to lazy to do things for themselves. (Some work colleague tray to take advantage of my good nature in that If I can help and do something I will)

But there is one bloke in particular who looks like Will from the Inbetweeners (who now has the same nick name as the on screen character) who is constantly asking me to do stuff he can't be bothered doing himself and take the parly P and is lucky he is still alive after the way he has treated me.

PS if you have never seen the Inbetweeners - I highly recommend it - it is just brilliant and the humour has me in stitches.
At some function or other, a guy asked me up to dance and during the dance told me that I could be really quite good looking if I was to lose weight.......

Needless to say he was kicked into touch, sharpish
At some function or other, a guy asked me up to dance and during the dance told me that I could be really quite good looking if I was to lose weight.......

Hazel if that had been me I would have said yes you are right I will start by loosing 150 pounds so can you bog off
When I was at university my housemates and I were discussing what dresses would suit our figures for the final ball. The petite, curvy, olive-skinned housemate said to me (after I'd said nice things to her!):

"well, you've got a boyish figure, and you're kind of aspirin-coloured..." i.e. tall, gawky and pale!
Every year at my work christmas do my boss talks about me having diabetes to the whole group, if I decide not to have a pudding he says I can't have dessert because I'm diabetic or if I do have one he says he's never seen me eat dessert before, can I do that?!!

And if I ever tell him I'm hypo he runs a mile!
Once, some years ago when I had been having major problems at work with diabetes highs and lows, another woman said "Oh I know why you aren't well.........." She went on to say that I should eat only sandwiches all day like another member of staff (also diabetic) did!! I was soooooo angry with her. How DARE she????????????
"You must be used to injections by now"

"You shouldn't be eating that"

"You shouldn't have eaten so many sweets when you were younger"
My Mum...when refering to Diabetes insists on calling the condition...'Sugar Diabetes' Grrrrr! 😡 How many times!
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