Thick skin around injection sites

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am suffering with thick skin around my injection site and also fat on my stomach anyone got any ideas on how to sort thick skin out and iv heard ifs harder to lose the fat on stomach because thats where the fat stores around the organs ? Any help or advice would be gratefull
And also where else can i inject my insulin on my body doctors have told me in my stomach an buttocks anybody use anywere else ?
Avoid the thick areas @Brodietype1 to give them a chance to recover. You can inject in your stomach, buttocks or thighs. When you use an area, have a scheme to work down/up/across it so that you’re injecting in different spots each time.
Cheer thanks for the advice ill gove it a go does the skin go back to normal after a while ?
@Brodietype1 also arms can be used, if you can do arms. And space them out at the different sites you use.
What insulin’s are you on?
I found some better for site preservation
@pheobeC i am currently on 60 units of levemire and also using nova rapid the problem i have is the 60 units as sometimes it burns and I get a little lump on my stomach where i have injected do you no what that could be ?
Do you inject the whole 60 units in one place @Brodietype1 ? It’s usually better to do basal in your thigh or bum. Also, with 60 units you’d be best splitting it and injecting 30 units in one place then the other 30 in another.
Sounds like it would be worth splitting your 60u dose as @Inka suggests. You might even want to consider a different basal insulin. Some (eg Tresiba) are more concentrated, so 60u is a smaller volume of fluid.

Edit: Ooops! Posted while you were replying 🙂
Toujeo is another that comes at a higher strength (u300 is 3x as strong) if the split dose doesn’t help
I mainly use buttocks, stomach and upper arms. My thighs have become thickened and can occasionally be painful injecting
Do you inject your Levemir just once a day? Generally people inject some in the morning and some in the evening to get the best coverage for their needs. I usually need 22 in the morning and I split it into 11 in each buttock and then in the evening I need anywhere from 0-5units depending upon how active I have been for the past few days and if I need some it goes in a thigh and I alternate them. Levemir does sting sometimes, and occasionally if you catch a little blood vessel it will bleed under the skin and form a bleb, which dissipates within a day or two but usually leaves a bruise for a bit longer. I don't get any problems with hardening of the skin or fatty deposits. Do you also need large-ish doses of your NovoRapid as I am guessing that is what is causing the damaged tissue on your stomach. Just wondering if it would be worth splitting those doses if they are more than 20u per meal. If you have areas that are not absorbing well on your stomach it may be why you are needing larger doses and moving to your thighs might mean you need smaller doses, so do be prepared for possible hypos.
@rebrascora so do you only need 22 units of levemir a day ? Or do you have 22 in the morning an 22 in the night ?
22u in the morning as soon as I wake up and before I get out of bed and anywhere from 0 - 5units on a night before bed. 0 last night because I have done a lot of physical activity the last 2 days.... and I still ended up in the red for the second half of the night.....woke at 6am on 2.9 and had been there for hours.... no idea why I didn't get an alarm! My overnight levels are very susceptible to the previous day's activity, so I need very little overnight, but it needs regular adjustment as the other night I was at 10 all night with 2 units at bedtime.
@rebrascora yer i see what u mean i woke up today on 3.6 what foods are you eating because i seem to go low when i am asleep and wake up , if been eating a lot of meats and eggs and next to nothing carbs
I follow a low carb way of eating but if I eat a lot of protein (meat eggs etc) for my evening meal, that usually helps keep my levels out of the red during the night, because my body converts the protein to glucose whilst I sleep. Last night, I was busy working outside until 11pm and I was so shattered that I couldn't be bothered to cook something to eat, so I just had a small chunk of cheese and a few nuts and a fibre drink and crashed. The last bolus insulin I had was at 3.45pm (late lunch) and it was only 1.5 units and no evening basal and I went to bed at midnight on 8.3.... but I ached all over because I had really worked hard all day.... so my muscles replenishing their stores, will be responsible for my low levels overnight and this morning rather than insulin causing my hypo.
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