the worst low ive ever had

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
- found myself at 1.0 earlier - the worst low I can ever remember being concious for. Why does this keep happening? Its draining me of all thought and sanity. I'm not doing anything different but I am half tempted to take my pump off whenever I walk to and from work.

I hate this so much. I hate diabetes. I don't want it anymore! I can see myself ending up in hospital AGAIN if these lows don't stop :(
Wow Sam, that is half my lowest ever low! Have you spoken to the DSN about these lows? I don't really know what to suggest as your pumping experience is completely different from my MDI these days. Glad you managed to stay conscious to deal with it.
Doesn't sound too good Sam
Hope you get some control back soon.
Take care,

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Hmm yes that is quite an impressive low! I hope that it meant you were at least able to enjoy a few jelly babies or whatever your hypo remedy of choice is. 😉

I am unsure if you were looking for any advice here but in case you are I have a couple of questions: -
Your post suggests that the low happened after a walk between home and work. Did you take a reading before departing? If not then it would be worthwhile doing so although looking at the BG graph (from Smart Pix?) that you posted on The Pumpers Thread a while back you appear to be testing very frequently so I expect that you had tested before setting off.
How long is your walk to work? If it is less than an hour then it should not be a problem detaching the pump from the cannula whilst you are walking. If you can stand the pump repeatedly beeping then you could also stop it for the duration but I find it far less bothersome to just leave it running.

I would be surprised however, if it was just your basal rate and walk that had caused your BG reading to drop as low as 1.0. Even if the BG had been ok beforehand it may have already been dropping and your walk just accelerated the decline. A couple more questions(!): -
Had you had a bolus in the hour or so before setting off? If so then it might be worthwhile reviewing the ratio you have for that time with a view to reducing it a little, especially if you are due for a walk afterwards.
Had you taken a correction dose for a high BG beforehand? Another thing I noticed from your BG graph is that your readings drop quite sharply after a high reading. Although it is good to get a quick fix for a high reading it might be worthwhile reviewing your correction dose now that you have moved onto the pump. Just as your bolus ratios need adjusting when you have moved to a pump so might your correction rate.

Of course the lows may also be exaggerated if you are still unwell from the cat hairs in your new place.

I hope Wednesday goes a lot better for you. Life with diabetes can be tough on occasion but I am sure you are more than capable of keeping on top of it. If nothing else you can now at least look forward to referring to this 1.0 reading whenever any of us complains in the future about readings in the 2s. 😉
Hi Sam,

Not sure if this low was just a one-off or if this is happening regularly? If it's a one-off, who knows?! Sometimes diabetes is just crazy.

If it's happened more than once, my immediate reaction would be to suggest a temporary basal for the hour you're walking to/from work to prevent it happening again. If you run a little high while tweaking it then that's fine - you don't want to repeat 1.0!

Hope today went better!

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