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The woman addicted to growing her toenails - even though it is risking her health

This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.


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Type 1
A woman who was once addicted to growing the nails on her hands has now grown her toenails to a staggering four inches, limiting her motion and jeopardising her health.
Known as Ayanna, the 54-year-old is the latest quirky character to appear on TLC's show My Strange Addiction on which she refuses to cut her curly claws calling them her 'babies.'
'They're just sexy and sassy. I am considered a long-nailed goddess,' Ayanna told the lifestyle network's cameras much to the dismay of her godson Kuwait and friend Vincent.


Warning! Some hideous pictures! 😱
Did anyone see the woman on Embarrassing Bodies last night who was giving herself coffee enemas several times a day in the most unhygienic circumstances. After being told of the dangers and the importance of cleaning the tools involved, she put them in the dishwasher. Ugh........... Even after seeing a dietitian, she still had to do it once a day.
I think her problem was that she really couldn't use a communal toilet where someone would know that she had evacuated her bowels if they were next in the queue.
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There's now't so queer as folk.
Did anyone see the woman on Embarrassing Bodies last night who was giving herself coffee enemas several times a day in the most unhygienic circumstances. After being told of the dangers and the importance of cleaning the tools involved, she put them in the dishwasher. Ugh........... Even after seeing a dietitian, she still had to do it once a day.
I think her problem was that she really couldn't use a communal toilet where someone would know that she had evacuated her bowels if they were next in the queue.

I always have to watch that programme from behind the sofa! 😱 Felt sorry for the lady who had had breast implants in the '70s and they had left her disfigured - glad they were able to help her.
Lets hope she never forgets not to pick her nose as a nasty injury could acure 😱
Pardon the toilet humour but how the heck does she wipe her bum?
Hope she does not break a nail
Hope she does not break a nail

I hope she never comes near me with those things! Mind you, she'd have a job chasing you! As far as I can see her addiction has led to an unnecessary disablement, I wonder if she is receiving appropriate help for the addiction?
I wonder whether if she did that in the UK, after persuasion was tried, she'd be considered for sectioning under Mental Health Act to improve their physical health by cutting their nails?

Not an approach to take lightly, but being unable to care for herself and exercise is not a good situation.
forget wiping her backside...how does she do ANYTHING???? How can she dress herself with nails like that? Clean? Use a remote? Make a cup of tea???

She clearly hasn't got enough to do!!
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.