The Weight Loss Support Thread

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I can't be the only one trying to lose weight right? Feel free to post your weight loss goals, your weight loss for the week/month, any problems you're having, anything really.

Deep breath...

My weight at the beginning of the month: 107.7kg
My height: 5'8.5"/173cm

My current weight: 103.7kg

Goal weight: 75kg (this would give me a BMI of 25)

A long way to go but I'll get there!
Hi Worzel

Hows Aunt Sally??

I haven't set a target. I'm quite happy to lose the weight nice and slowly.

I started at 21st 3lbs. (Can't do Metric) and after 3 months, I'm down to 20st 5lb.

Saw the Diabetes nurse on Monday and she seems very happy with my progress.

Have fun

I have to say I want to lose weight, but it's not a goal in itself. My health and happiness come first and up to know this attitude has resulted in some weightloss.

I'm 1.70 m. and seem to weigh around 111 kilos right now. Last year September I was 117, so I've lost 6 kilos since then, just by getting a job basically.
My current scales are way off (just getting on and off a few times make my weight fluctuate by 3 kilos :confused:), but I'm guessing I've lost another kilo last month, because I moved to a place with hills. 🙂
I need to loose about 7 stone to be my ideal weight.

At the moment I have fruit on my desk to munch on when I feel a bit peckish. One of my 'problems' is I am a bored nibbler and a TV chewer. I dare not sit down in front of TV with more than a small piece of chocolate or a pack of biscuits.

I think I am about 16 stone 7 pounds, so I have lost quite a bit. Pre diagnosis I was about 21 stone. I am now not drinking sugary drinks and eating chocolate by the stone.

Thank you Worzle Gummidge for starting this thread.
I'd like to help if i can

I was diagnosed in April and told to lose a stone. My first thought was this is going to be so difficult. I am 5' 5' / 165 cm

Weight in April was
83 kg / 13 stone 2 lb BMI 30

I started by doing a food diary to see what my daily intake was and then as I was adjusting my eating I recorded everything from a piece of fruit to how much water I drank. My wonderful other half done the same, what I eat he eats. I know I would not have done it without his support.

I stripped everything down in my diet and eat at least 5 portions of fruit and veg a day. I look for receipes / snacks which are less than 1.5 g saturated fat per 100 g. Eat half portion sizes e.g. Was eating pasta 100g uncooked - now 50 g uncooked. Piece of chicken breast 8 oz now 4 oz etc.

I also park my car 10 minutes walk away from the office, so I have a 20 minute walk a day and I also go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week.

Current weight
64.4 kg / 10 stone 2 lb BMI 23.5

If any one wants any help or tips or just a shoulder of support - send me a email.
Hi Worzel

Hows Aunt Sally??

I haven't set a target. I'm quite happy to lose the weight nice and slowly.

I started at 21st 3lbs. (Can't do Metric) and after 3 months, I'm down to 20st 5lb.

Saw the Diabetes nurse on Monday and she seems very happy with my progress.

Have fun


I've done it. I've lost my first whole stone. Only 1.5 pounds and I drop below 20 stone.

Well done to all of you! Mid September I weighed in at 13st 4lbs, which at 5ft 3" is about 4 stone overweight. Never really was one for crisps and chocolate and have always eaten quite healthily although exercise went out the window about 5 years ago, same time I met a new man and started eating more! I am off to Dr's next week for first weigh in - which am hoping will be over a stone as I've started running again 3 times a week for a minimum of 3 miles each time. Not gone down a dress size yet but am nearly there. Onwards and upwards to us all and what a great idea for a thread WorzelGummidge.🙂
Good luck everyone!! and well done to those already seeing results!

Am i right in thinking insulin makes weight loss difficult?
im sure i read it somewhere? im really trying to shift about a stone but always hit a blocker at the same weight and cant get passed it. Its def completely different since i was diagnosed and started my insulin.
Am i right in thinking insulin makes weight loss difficult? im sure i read it somewhere?

I've read that too but cant remember why it makes it difficult. Anyone? Joined Rosemary conley last week in the hope the exercise will help but its really hard.

Anyway off to fling myself around the living room to an aerobics video whilst the cat looks at me with utter disgust!
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well done everyone i know how hard it is to lose weight i have been big all my life and it was only when being diagnosed type 2, 3 1/2 years ago i finally got around to doing something about it, since then i have lost over 8 stones but would still like to lose another 3 stones, it was easy at first but now i am stuck, i go to the gym 5 times a week for about 1.5 hours and i try to watch what i eat but its still tough, i gave up chocolate completely upon diagnosis because i can't have just a small bit i have to have a whole family sized bar so i decided that i had to have none but i still miss it every day. good luck everyone and keep at it
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