The war on obesity is a big fat flop

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
In the global war on fat, any modest victory is worth celebrating. So I am happy to bring the news that sales of Vachon cakes are in steep decline. These regional delicacies ? legendary for their empty calories, their utter lack of taste, and their infinite shelf life ? have been a staple of Quebeckers? diets for generations. Now, to the relief of public health officials, Quebeckers are abandoning their Jos. Louis and switching to healthier fare.

Or are they? The hottest item on today?s trendy menus is another Quebec specialty, poutine. Upscale poutine, to be sure, with hand-cut French fries, pulled-pork gravy and artisanal cheese curds. For those who want to double down, there?s even pizza poutine. In the war on fat, it?s one step forward and one step back.
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