The UK needs new organ donation law, and fast

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
This week Wales has become the first nation in the UK to give the go-ahead to an opt-out system for organ donation, in which consent is presumed unless you actively say no. But while Wales should be praised for its courage, its actions have instead been deemed controversial by campaign group Patient Concern, with reservations also expressed by members of the Muslim Council of Wales and the South Wales Jewish Representative Council, amongst other religious organisations.

The decision taken by the Welsh government must be seen within the context of the organ donation crisis facing the UK. With the number of people needing transplants rising by 8% every year, and three people dying every day while waiting, the UK needs a dramatic change of course if lives are to be saved. I am one of the 10,500 people currently waiting for a transplant in the UK ? I was born with cystic fibrosis, and without new lungs I'm unlikely to reach my mid-30s.
I, for one, am proud of the Welsh Government for taking this brave decision this week. People still have choice - they can opt out.
Religious beliefs shouldn't come in to it. When the Welsh Archbishop and some of his parishioners speak out against it I wonder how many of them would accept organs if they or their family needed them? Most I would think.
I think it should be law, or at the very very least, the law should say your family can't change what you said on your donor card. I'm sure if my nearest and dearest died suddenly I'd be upset about them being carved up immediately but I'm also sure that afterwards, I'd be really pleased I said Yes, on the basis that well I may have lost them - but someone else far worse off than me or them, may have been able to benefit.

Have always been adamant they can have any of me they want (only best not touch me pancreas with a bargepole LOL)

Successive husbands have said exactly the same (but they can have their pancreases too!) and the kids and older GCs know our feelings too.
One of my Best mates has had a Heart transplant ! He is very good guy & full of life. He is 76 now & a couple of years ago he asked me how do you get your motorcycle test ? I told him & a new 125 turned up on his drive. Another good friend said "I bet his donated Heart was from a Biker" It sounds a bit weired but as a biker you live on 😉 (Deep but possibly the best)
Well, as to relatives going against my wishes, They know that there is a codocil in my will that doing so will result in them being removed as a beneficiary😱
We haven't bothered with the codicil; being affiliated to Spiritualism we can just haunt em !
Is there an age limit for donating organs? I've always said they can have anything from me but now I think that I may be too old. Having said that though my heart lungs, liver and kidneys seem to be in good order. The doctor even told me last year after a routine blood test that I was at 'no risk' of heart attack and all my organs were working well.
I've not heard that there's an age limit, though of course I expect it depends on the viability of your organs when you're dead. Well, yes it does, of course, no matter what age you happen to be!
As far as I know there's no age limit - they don't only need internal organs. For example, corneas can give sight back to two blind people, and skin can be used for grafts.
As far as I know there's no age limit - they don't only need internal organs. For example, corneas can give sight back to two blind people, and skin can be used for grafts.

They can have what they like of me now; but as I plan to live to 110yrs they may have to wait a while.
All my kids are happy to be organ donors. It's best to know each other's wishes just in case anything should happen. We know it won't but at least we're prepared. I might have felt different when my children were small but they are all adults and have made their own decisions.

It's the same with funeral arrangements. I think we should all let our loved ones know what we want well before we get too old and ill. Last year my Dad died and there were family arguments as to what he wanted. I don't believe he got the funeral he wanted. There was so much money wasted on flowers that only lasted a few days. I got him an apple tree; at least it's still growing.
My family all know my wishes.
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