The question!!??!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Thought id share this with you as hopefully you might find it funny.

We were quite bored at work today and generally messing about. Conversation went onto my diabetes (t1 since feb this year) because someone said "are you allowed to have a chocolate bar". They all came round to my desk and i showed them how to use the meter and what to do if i started to act strange!
I educated them on the wonders of diabetes and the fact that if i eat sugar i won't die etc...... About an hour later one of them said "are you allowed to eat..........." followed by "sorry".

This question cracks me up, but i suppose you don't have to understand diabetes unless you need to .

When i told someone down the pub you can't smoke with diabetes they replied "but cigerettes haven't got any sugar in them" Ha Ha

We have decided that whoever ask "the question" again gets the teas in!!
I think I would probably have been getting the teas in 18 months or so ago, as I had such a limited knowledge of diabetes. In some ways, it's very simple, in others extremely complex. I was trying to explain to someone the other day the different origins of Type 1 and 2 and found it very difficult to put into simple terms without clouding the issue or making it sound too technical.

As far as dietary advice goes, I think the thoughts in 'collective memory' are of diabetics being starved on restricted calorie diets until the current 'modern' thinking has taken hold ( which is till the root of much debate, of course!)
If someone tells me I can't eat eg biscuits I impersonate the cookie monster with sound effects!!
I've really educated the M.I.L she rang me today and said steff can you eat sausage rolls? i laughed and said yeah why i buy the mini ones and have a couple with a sarny, she said its just one of the ladies at the W.I which M.I.L chairs was eating one on a trip we went on and I didnt think she was allowed as she was having a hbA the next day i said ohh right, she said i just like to ring you and ask you these things you see , i did find it ever so sweet LOL x
Last night at rock climbing my usual climbing buddy wasnt there so I had to tell the bloke I was partnering with that I was a T2 & that started loads of questions from him & the 2 dudes next to us. Probably spent 5 mins getting lots of questions which reoccured about 30 mins into climbing when I git out a packet of milk gums and started chomping them :D(couldnt find my glucose tablets when I left home so thought they would do! & they did!)

I get asked that constantly too. It's probably the number 1 misconception about diabetics that we're not allowed any sugar.

The other one i get asked a lot is about if I inject into my veins 😱

And theres always confusion where people wrongly think you need to take an insulin injection when you're hypo. Thats probably the most dangerous misconception as that could be deadly. Two tv soaps have gotten this wrong in the past!

I must admit alot of my sons friends ask me things and there like 9 and 10 lol, it's very funny actually there so cute its hard to get miffed at them, there only being inquisitive and the know no better.
Starbanana - must have been a challenging wall if you needed sugar part way through the session, but gums / jelly babies etc always nicer than glucose tablets! What grade were you climbing? If you're into outdoor climbing, then you might like to look at
Is it not better to ask than remain in ignorance?
I think it's ok to ask, but not ok for someone to tell us we aren't allowed to eat something.

Luckily I don't get this at work, yesterday a collague brought some jelly babies and was offering them round, several times and then said to me "don't blame me if your blood sugar is high" I can't resist jelly babies, could never keep them for hypo's only.
I think it's ok to ask, but not ok for someone to tell us we aren't allowed to eat something.

Luckily I don't get this at work, yesterday a collague brought some jelly babies and was offering them round, several times and then said to me "don't blame me if your blood sugar is high" I can't resist jelly babies, could never keep them for hypo's only.

I know what you mean. I can't keep jelly babies/beans either. So I have a cache of dried fruit (pineapple and cherries at the mo) just in case I get another hypo.
I can totally understand people asking questions that SEEM ignorant to us - until three months ago I knew absolutely nothing about diabetes - in fact, I thought there were two types of diabetes - one where you have too much sugar and one where you don't have enough sugar. Now I feel SOOO stupid!! 😱

the question i get all the time:

'which diabetes do you have? the high blood sugar one or the low blood sugar one?'
the question i get all the time:

'which diabetes do you have? the high blood sugar one or the low blood sugar one?'

Well at least now I know I'm not the only one who thought that - there's a whole bunch of us dummies out there!!

the question i get all the time:

'which diabetes do you have? the high blood sugar one or the low blood sugar one?'

I can sort of see where they are coming from, since one can suffer from hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia. Hypos are much more common amongst insulin users which I still tend to think of as Type 1 (although I know there are a lot of Type 2s on insulin), and hypers might be expected more amongst Type 2 people with high levels of insulin resistance keeping their levels persistently high. It's not an easy concept to take in as the causes and treatment can be quite different. They used to talk of 'mild' diabetes and I have even read a recently published book which talks of 'serious' diabetes. It might also be a throwback to when lack of insulin (Type 1) meant starvation and premature death, whereas insulin resistant people would have increased lifespans, but eventually succumb to complications. These things often persist in folk memory.
Yes, I know what people mean about having asked all these questions in the past, I know I did, before I got diabetes too. I must have been quite annoying at times!

The question that gets me is "Do you have the sort that's caused by being overweight and bad diet"? What a question to ask! I think it's caused by coverage by the media, which always portrays all T2s as having caused their own illness, when obviously that's not literally the case.

Anyway, I'm not overweight, and I was only 8 stone at the time I was diagnosed, so it seemed like a bit of a daft question to be asking me!
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