The Pump-O-Dyne Eight

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
With my lovely HbA1c result today, probably the only chance I would have of getting a pump would be if they brought out a really rock-bottom model...

Hello, will you sit down? I’ve something to say.
You remember about pumping? How we said we can’t pay?
Well, I’m happy to tell you that we have found a way,
For a new pumping company has entered the fray!

Now, please don’t be shocked, for I know it looks cheap,
But the cost of those others would just make you weep!
And we’d love to provide them if the costs weren’t so steep…
So, just close your eyes now – and promise you won’t peep!

Tada! There you have it! The Pump –O-Dyne Eight!
With its own little trolley (because of the weight),
And here is the thing that straps onto your back,
With the steam-powered motor in its own special pack…

Now here, let me hold that, and you climb aboard!
Let’s get you strapped in with this thick nylon cord…
Don’t spill that jug where the insulin’s stored!
Come on! Are you thrilled? Let's hear you applaud!


(c) 2009 Northerner
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Hi Northerner


You should get these printed..they are all classics

Hey Northener!

I heard today "WORD ON THE STREET", "HOT OFF THE PRESS", that no-one was as yet got the New PINK medtronic veo!

Me thinks there is a deal to be struck here!
Okay, this is hysterical Northerner. (btw, have you seen the pictures of the first pumps? They *were* backpacks!)

This is great.

Although: I imagine that in time everyone will have access to a pump. Everyone. Fingers crossed, anyway, for those that want them.
northe, would you want the pump when your hba1c is perfect?
northe, would you want the pump when your hba1c is perfect?

With all the pump talk I'm learning a lot, and I think that what I would gain is not better control (obviously, I'm perfect😛) but more flexibility and spontaneity in my life. My numbers are good, but I do feel frustrated and deprived a lot of the time, plus I think it would be better for my running, especially as I start to step up to longer distances.

I think the pump-o-dyne 8 might be a bit cumbersome for running though - maybe the Senso-pumpatic 60 would be better...😉
Excellent tez! I used to love his show (always fancied Cleo Rocos!). The Repel-o-thug is definitely from the same company as the pump-o-dyne!:D
Great poem! You truly deserve a pump!

My son was in the same position as you for the first 18 months after diagnosis - his control was good and he was backed up with supportive parents so he did not qualify. He wanted one so much and it felt to me like he was being punished for being good! It was almost as if we were hindering him by being so supportive and concientious! It was only after hitting some problems that he eventually qualified. We feel very appreciative at getting one and know that we are lucky to have one so soon after diagnosis (two years).

Of course, i understood that funding was limited and the pumps that were available had to go to the ones who most needed them, especially the ones who could not get good control even though they tried very hard but it does seem so short sighted of the health authorities as being on a pump and having better control should, in theory, reduces costs further down the line due to lack of treatment needed for complications. Also it may prevent problems with depression as the pump gives more freedom and therefore would help some people psychologicly (can't spell it!) even if they already have good blood sugars.

Oops sorry! Will shut up now! Got a bit carried away there! 😱

Don't give up! Keep trying and, as sugarbum says, consider making a bid for the pink one! :D
brilliant poem northner you need them published fast! x
Nice one! I was looking forward to a picture of it!
Excellent tez! I used to love his show (always fancied Cleo Rocos!). The Repel-o-thug is definitely from the same company as the pump-o-dyne!:D

I think I've found a picture of your pump Northerner.

Ha ha - thanks Tez! :D
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