The Perils of Pauline,

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Or the further adventures of a dizzy diabetic.

As you may recall from the last instalment, I was whinging about the pain in my foot and how it felt like a sharp object sticking into me but I couldn't see anything. ...

I had a really bad dizzy spell late on Friday and fell, I knocked myself out for a short while so my bro called the ambulance who carted me off to A&E because I had been out however briefly. I have a small goosegg on the back of my bonce and the fall was due to a very low BG (1.8 when the EMT tested me). After some time and a few jelly babies I was back up to 4.1 and they x-rayed the space between my ears. I had also mentioned the sore foot and they x-rayed that as well. Apart from being empty, the skull is fine, but there was a tiny shard of stone just under the skin of my heel which was starting to get infected and beginning to form a small abcess. I've been sliced and drained and now have a huge dressing on my foot, I will be fine, but if it hadn't been caught when it was... Well... The A&E doc is going to put a note on my records for the GP that I should be referred for regular check ups to a foot specialist.

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be glad I had a hypo. They kept me in overnight and released me yesterday afternoon and I'm on antibiotics which are making me feel rather unwell, which is why I haven't been in till now. I've been really tired, still am a bit and I'm recruiting my strength for work tomorrow.

Such fun!
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My goodness - your poor thing 😱 as you say at least your foot has been treated! hope you feel better soon 🙂
Good grief 😱 hope you are better soon (((hugs))) xx
Oh Allt, so sorry to hear about the fall, but really good news that they found the problem with your foot - that could have become really nasty if it hadn't been discovered.

You should have a word with your GP about your medication too. There's something going on if you are dropping as low as I've ever been on insulin (my lowest recorded was a 1.7). I wonder if the drugs you have been taking have spurred a recovery to some extent in your pancreas? Definitely get it checked out as soon as possible.

Hope you are feeling better soon 🙂
Sorry to hear about your fall take care tomorrow at work and rest your foot.
Gosh it sound's like you had a bad night, although as you said if that hadn't happened you wouldn't have know about the shard of stone in your foot. I hope you feel better soon and that your foot heals well xx
Sorry about the hypo and the bump on the head, but it is good the shard of stone in your foot was found and treated before it became too serious!
wooooooah ally nasty stuff ...but good luck for tomorrow xxx🙂
Sorry I missed this Ali.

Hope you are feeling much better now and good news they found the problem with your foot before it had chance to develop into something really nasty. Funny how we often 'know' there is something wrong but work hard at finding a rational explanation.

Big hug
hope your feeling better soon alison xxx
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