The NHS is not a creaking relic, whatever the Tories may say

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do not go gentle into that good night. Those hoping to disregard Dylan Thomas?s advice will not be encouraged by the latest bulletins on the British way of death. Behind yesterday?s furore over those who may have died needlessly in hospital lie blunders that should be as alien as smallpox and diphtheria to a modern health service.

The storm surrounding Professor Sir Bruce Keogh?s measured report on serious failings among 14 NHS trusts does not, however, centre on human suffering. Loss and anguish have instead been used to fuel a political fight whose aim, from the Conservative perspective, looks simple. Get Andy Burnham. The former Labour health secretary is under no doubt as to the personal nature of this vendetta. As he has been telling friends for some time: ?They?re trying to be rid of me.?
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