The good, the bad and the scary!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had a funny old day yesterday. Firstly (the good) I had perfect blood sugars all day. Literally perfect 🙂 Highest was 6.8, lowest 4.8. I don't think that's ever happened before, not without at least some sort of swing! I think I'm getting somewhere!

But. Then. The bad. (The rant!) James and I made the decision recently to start looking at international teaching jobs - really exciting! So I thought I'd be good and think about my diabetes so contacted DUK and asked for some country guides. They came yesterday but all of them said that diabetes paraphenalia was only available under private medical care. I should've known that really. I know how lucky we are over here. But I can't afford it :( Or at least I don't hink I can. In all fairness i need to do more research but I just hate the fact that everything I do is complicated by my stupid diabetes. I had a real it's not fair moment. And I hate that it's having an impact on J too. I wish things were simple.

And the scary. I received a letter from the retinal screening people in Surrey. I recently had a retinal screening test at my opticians. He said there were a couple of minor haemorrhages but nothing to worry about. The letter however said that I needed a floow up examination due to the results of my first one 😱 I'm so scared. And worried that my optician didn't tell me the truth in the first place. It's all a bit too much at the moment.
Hi Munjeeta, the heamorages are probably nothing to worry about as they have been spotted early. Have the follow ups done. I have my retinal scans done at alocal opticians. They have only the scan they are doing and nothing to compare it with. The scans are sent to the hospital for comparison, so the technician who did the scan probably didn't know there had been any changes.

Good luck with the international teaching jobs, some countries pay very well for British teachers.
Well done on the good blood sugars, you could be the perfect advert for DAFNE 🙂

I hope there is nothing to worry about the follow up appointment, it's good that they are going to closely monitor you. Let us know how it goes.

I know when I have had a little look at international jobs, part of the package is health cover, this wasn't teaching jobs though but I wonder if any will have health insurance as part of the job?
Nice numbers, well done you! hope you get more good numbers the rest of the week.

I cannot advise on travelling with work, I guess it depend where you go and how long for but could you get supplies sent over from home using your repeat, obviously gotta keep an eye on the temperature of the Insulin, and if your going to the congo may not be so possible, just a thought!

Eyes always scare me! Hope you have nothing to worry about there.

Take care


Look into the health insurance thing a bit more before you worry about it. Just think, there are thousands of people in other countries paying for insurance for their paraphenalia and most of them won't be rich! At least don't worry about it until you've done more research.

I hope the follow-up eye appointment goes well. At least your control seems to be getting better so you can prevent any other changes to your eyes.

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