the forum

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
is anyone else finsing it hard to find this forum from the main page? it takes me ages to find the link each time since they changed it
I did have a problem trying to find it. So when I did bring it up I put a short cut on my desktop.

Right click on the message board page, anywhere- then choose create shortcut from the menu.

I had the same problem the other day - then I found it on
Thought I was losing my marbles when it kept going missing from the Diabetes UK home page !
I have used Rach's right click > shortcut to desktop method.
Alternative would be to bookmark it in your favourites in your diabetes uk folder.
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Hi there!

Well I thought I had gone mad!! Looking frantically for this message board, where had it gone? No note to say where we could find it. I e mailed to ask if it was still operating, but alas, no reply.:( However, determined to solve the disappointment, I eventually came across it, after some time of clicking, etc. I felt so happy to have found it again. :)
Do you think it was an IQ test for us Ruby ? if so - I failed it for a good many times of trying to find the site again !
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