The Flu

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Penny Sayles

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, I have type 2 and have had the flu since Saturday. I have hardly eaten anything since Saturday morning just a couple of yogurts as I have been too ill and have had no appetite.
I am not sure how this will affect my diabetes, I am on 3 types of diabetic tablets and have been taking these.
I have not had the flu since being diagnosed in 2008 and I am just after some advice on how to deal with it when I can't face eating
Thank you for your help
My Understanding is take your meds as normal, when your ill your bg will go high on it's own, you must drink to avoid dehydration. call the doc in the morning.
Hello, I have type 2 and have had the flu since Saturday. I have hardly eaten anything since Saturday morning just a couple of yogurts as I have been too ill and have had no appetite.
I am not sure how this will affect my diabetes, I am on 3 types of diabetic tablets and have been taking these.
I have not had the flu since being diagnosed in 2008 and I am just after some advice on how to deal with it when I can't face eating
Thank you for your help
Hi Penny, welcome to the forum 🙂 Very sorry to hear you have the flu, it must be horrible for you - I hope you recover very soon 🙂 What medication are you on? It might be worth asking for a telephone appointment from your doctor to see if there is anything you need to do regarding the medication whilst you are ill and not eating.
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