The first few days pumping

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got my accu-chek spirit combo pump on Monday 🙂 but then thought I could conquer the world! I played golf on a very hilly course....I had 4 bottles of lucozade sport (hypo all the way round) and still hypoed all night, i set my alarm for 03.00 and was 2.5! 😱 Tuesday I was really high from the evening all through the night until Wednesday afternoon (20's with keytones despite corrections and an injection) I changed my cannula and infusion set as I don't think it was delivering and tested myself again last night at 0300 and was 2.7, 4.9 at breakfast 🙂 and 12.5 just now. I know the change from MDI to pump was going to be tough, but until I get my basals right I realise it will be difficult. Hopefully the next couple of weeks will see improvement....I think they will! I am knackered at the moment due to the highs and lows. My DSN has been superb....texting me and asking how I am 🙂
scary stuff..............

i think a week at least event free should be set aside immediately to get the basal right, then you can start adjusting for extra activity......
Yes, you are right NRB, I am not changing my basal rates that I can see a pattern, I think I know what I will change them to, but I have to be patient and give a bit more time! .......It almost feels as though I have been diagnosed with Diabetes again!! :D
Yes, you are right NRB, I am not changing my basal rates that I can see a pattern, I think I know what I will change them to, but I have to be patient and give a bit more time! .......It almost feels as though I have been diagnosed with Diabetes again!! :D

Pretty much square one again, what patterns are you looking for at this stage..?

I assume your basal rate so far has just been converted from you total background dose on MDI?
Yup, the first little while can be a bit of an adventure! 😛

Am I right in thinking you were on lantus before? I found that it took at least three days for it to clear out of my system, and I ran lower during the first couple of days til it was gone. Hopefully by now it'll have disappeared and you can start looking at your basal rates. 🙂
It is hard work to begin with , and you will see all sorts of strange results .I think it took about 3 weeks for mine to settle down , but it will happen . Good luck 🙂

Some of your problems will have been with your background insulin hanging around in the system can take a couple of days for it to fully filter through and stop having an impact on BG's

When you are doing basal testing you do need to avoid strenious exercise, so basic routines really, even when you are doing night time testing.. Once you've got your basic basal sorted then you can start working out a second, third profile or any TBR's that you might need to make for days that you do exercise on etc..

But hang on in there as it does get better once you start getting the basal cracked
Pretty much square one again, what patterns are you looking for at this stage..?

I assume your basal rate so far has just been converted from you total background dose on MDI?

yes, 3/4 of my lantus total has been split over 24 hours.....I'm not going to play around with it just yet! I know that at night I will need less and maybe more in the morning, less in the afternoon, more early evening etc,etc!

Some of your problems will have been with your background insulin hanging around in the system can take a couple of days for it to fully filter through and stop having an impact on BG's

When you are doing basal testing you do need to avoid strenious exercise, so basic routines really, even when you are doing night time testing.. Once you've got your basic basal sorted then you can start working out a second, third profile or any TBR's that you might need to make for days that you do exercise on etc..

But hang on in there as it does get better once you start getting the basal cracked

Thanks Ellie,

My levels have been fantastic since yesterday evening, even had a curry and all the trimmings last night and multiwave bolused for it....the results were great....I would have struggled to reach with MDI. I have been between 4.6 and 7.7 today think I have my basals about right. 🙂
Hiya Phil

Just read through this thread and your first message had me in stitches. Conquer the world eh 😱

Yep we would love it if these little boxes were really magic and just did what they are supposed to do without any intervention.

It could potentially take weeks to get the basals just so and then you find they may change again. That is the nature of the beast that is diabetes after all 😡 Well it changes with children that quickly, hopefully not so quick with adults unless you do different things all the time and that is the beauty of temp basals or whatever they are called on the combo.

Remember tweak one thing at a time. Always start with nighttime and get that right along with the morning and the rest will be easy.

Good luck and well done so far. It is completely like starting over again. 🙂
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