the end of the honeymoon?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sorry, this is long winded, but anyone who bears with it and lets me know their thoughts will be greatly appreciated.....

I was someone with a reliable HB1c of 5.5.

Over the weekend, my normal amounts of insulin with small amounts of food have been leading to levels like 15, 14 and 24 (god forbid) at my hour-later checks. AGGGGHHH! 😡

I changed to a new insulin pen just in case and have been religious about doing 'test squirts' which i wouildn't normally be, but it carried on.

Had a curry tonight and took 20 iu novorapid in advance and 6 more when I drank a mango lassi, which is an obscene amount of insulin for me. Was at 4 mmol/l an hour later (would normally eat something if this happened, but didn't),

9.8 half an hour after that (started digesting food, obviously)

so started walking

2.5 on testing an hour after that
(had got back to the car after walk, so didn't have sweeties immediately - wasn't driving btw!)

3.9 ten minutes later

OK now. Still haven't had hypo food! (haven't tested actually, will in a minute, but i'm reading the screen fine which I can't do when I'm low).

Can only guess that the honeymoon period has just ended (just over a year after being diagnosed).

Does this sound about right? I'd assumed it must have ended ages ago....

Morning readings have been towards the top end of the range (5, 7 etc) rather than the usual 4s. Reckon it'd be worth putting the levimir up?

Thanks if you're still reading! Looking fwd to advice!

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Hi Lizzzie, I found my honeymoon ended rather rapidly over a few days when my insulin requirements went up by about 50% without warning and without any other reason. How long have you had diabetes? I understand the honeymoon can last a year or so.

The other possible causes are stress (I once shot from 4.5 to 17 in a few hours thanks to a stressy day at work) or illness/infection?

Also sometimes your ratios for different times of the day seem to change over time.
If it were me I'd try increasing ratios for meals a bit at a time until you get more reasonable levels - don't change anything drastic.

Do you split your levemir? Your morning levels don't sound that bad. I split mine morning and evening and it's not a 50/50 split, so maybe you need more in the morning than at night?

Hope you get it sorted soon!
I had something like this the other week, i really didnt know what was going on.
I was eating well, small meals and taking extra insulin to get it down, i was getting high results 17-20 for a few days for no reason. Thought i might have had stomach bug maybe wasnt sure it it was cause of the high levels.
Feeling loads better now and its all back to normal.

I have never heard of the honeymoon period before.
But now i have it makes sense. Its all back to normal now.

Hope your ok?

Thanks folks; feeling better today. Steady.

I've been diabetic for about a year Pigeon, so guess that could be it.

I ddin't think about the stress / illness thing.... not sure..... (looks hastily for signs of being more stressed than usual)

Thanks both anyway, food for thought....
Interesting reading Lizzie,

I have been diagnosed 18months and have often wondered about the old honeymoon period. My requirement dropped about 50% about 6 months in and is generally around that still although I have been having higher numbers and waking numbers last week or two, I will keep a keen eye on things now!


Rossi 🙂
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