The Dreaded Lurgy

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1st Paradox

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, I woke up today with a rather bad cold/flu (can never tell how you know the difference), and it has totally wiped me out and is playing havoc with my readings. Im having a lot of trouble getting my levels down.

I took a reading of 9.2 (this is in range for me atm) before bed and woke up full of it and at 16.3. I thought to myself "I know... I'll have a lemsip and take some to work... I'll be right as rain in a couple of days" only to find in the small print that I "should not take if Diabetic".

Just looking for some advice RE treating this thing and getting my levels back down.
Sorry Paul not nice
Keep your fluids up and I'd say rest up but knowing from your past posts bet u dont xxx
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Sorry Paul other nice
Keep your fluids up and I'd say rest up but knowing from your past posts bet u dont xxx

I actually left work early today and had an afternoon nap (1 1/2h), it really is beating the drive out of me lol.

Water Water Water, I'm on it! thanks.
Ah heck I'm impressed well as nasty as this lurgy is I hope you come out the other side soon and it don't stick around mate x
Have you seen the sick day rules. They should have gone through that with you at some point. When you are ill you will get elevated results and you need to adjust your insulin to correct for this. Did you get a chance to talk to the DSN today. She should be able to advise you on how to make these adjustments.

Also water water water is a good idea
Have you seen the sick day rules. They should have gone through that with you at some point. When you are ill you will get elevated results and you need to adjust your insulin to correct for this. Did you get a chance to talk to the DSN today. She should be able to advise you on how to make these adjustments.

Also water water water is a good idea

I recall it being mentioned a while back (2 years or so) but due to neglect and such I just can't remember.

She never got got back to me... fingers crossed for tomorrow. Although I may just drop in and ask to speak to someone.
I recall it being mentioned a while back (2 years or so) but due to neglect and such I just can't remember.
She never got got back to me... fingers crossed for tomorrow. Although I may just drop in and ask to speak to someone.

Keep trying to get hold of them. You need to know how to adjust your insulin for times like this when you are under the weather. Keep phoning, call in. I am sur that they will be pleased that you are wanting to get back on track.
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