The diabetes is getting me down...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last night I had a good cry on my other halfs shoulder about this diabetes lark. Right now its really getting me down because I just can't seem to get it right. I never know what I'm feeling, when I test the way I'm feeling doesn't coincide with what my levels are. I'm low and I feel high. It's wierd and it's totally playing with my moods.

Yesterday, I was running low all day and nothing I did could get the levels up. The highest I was was 5.6, everything else was around the 3.8 mark except for a 2.6 right before bed. Nothing I could do would get it up. And the same has happened today - I woke up really good 6.something, went to work and was rushing around because a delivery had appeared on the doorstep, so yknow, my levels slipped to 3.4 or something thereabouts. So I take it in my stride, I'm at work, I have to and I have a couple of glucotabs and my lunch. After lunch I'm at 6.4. I'm 4.5 before dinner this evening, have a massive curry and even then I'm at 3.3 afterwards :confused: I'm slightly better now.

But all these lows are making me want to cry. Nothing I seem to do can stop them. If I lower my insulin I end up too high, I try and work out a doseage based on carbs and I go too low...I just can't win. And then the OH gets frustrated because my levels are so low all the time. I just can't win.

I really don't want this anymore. I just want one day where I can be normal, where I can have a functioning pancreas. I really don't want to be diabetic anymore. It's really really getting me down
Hi there!

Sorry to hear you're feeling so down. It probably doesn't mean much now but I think all of us on here has probably had the same feelings at some point or another.

One thing to bear in mind is that the lows/fluctuating levels will be having an effect on your moods which is probably why you feel so down.

Difficult to advise really on what to do, it's really a case of trial and error, I know you'll get there in the end! What I've found is, when I've had a run of lows the best thing is to cut the insulin significantly, yes I run high for a while but I find it easier to gradually increase the insulin gradually to bring my levels down, rather than try to bring them up the other way, by eliminating the lows I find it easier to work out what I'm doing! Am I right in thinking you're fairly newly diagnosed? Could it be the honetmoon period playing up with your levels?

Sorry I can't really give any practical advice, just letting you know that I know where you're coming from and have certainly been there! Always around if you want to chat to anyone.

Hope you feel better soon

Hi there!

Sorry to hear you're feeling so down. It probably doesn't mean much now but I think all of us on here has probably had the same feelings at some point or another.

One thing to bear in mind is that the lows/fluctuating levels will be having an effect on your moods which is probably why you feel so down.

Difficult to advise really on what to do, it's really a case of trial and error, I know you'll get there in the end! What I've found is, when I've had a run of lows the best thing is to cut the insulin significantly, yes I run high for a while but I find it easier to gradually increase the insulin gradually to bring my levels down, rather than try to bring them up the other way, by eliminating the lows I find it easier to work out what I'm doing! Am I right in thinking you're fairly newly diagnosed? Could it be the honetmoon period playing up with your levels?

Sorry I can't really give any practical advice, just letting you know that I know where you're coming from and have certainly been there! Always around if you want to chat to anyone.

Hope you feel better soon


hi, nope not newly diagnosed. Its been 13 years so unless its a really really long honeymoon period then I dunno what's going on :(

I think maybe i might phone my dsn tomorrow and see if i can go and have a chat with her because this is just getting silly!
Hey sorry to hear it's getting you down, but stick with it, your o/h and friends will support you. Haven't you just changed your lifestyle a bit, uni finished working etc, so these factors are bound to take a bit of getting used to.

Remember your glass is half full!!

Take care.

Last night I had a good cry on my other halfs shoulder about this diabetes lark. Right now its really getting me down because I just can't seem to get it right. I never know what I'm feeling, when I test the way I'm feeling doesn't coincide with what my levels are. I'm low and I feel high. It's wierd and it's totally playing with my moods.

Yesterday, I was running low all day and nothing I did could get the levels up. The highest I was was 5.6, everything else was around the 3.8 mark except for a 2.6 right before bed. Nothing I could do would get it up. And the same has happened today - I woke up really good 6.something, went to work and was rushing around because a delivery had appeared on the doorstep, so yknow, my levels slipped to 3.4 or something thereabouts. So I take it in my stride, I'm at work, I have to and I have a couple of glucotabs and my lunch. After lunch I'm at 6.4. I'm 4.5 before dinner this evening, have a massive curry and even then I'm at 3.3 afterwards :confused: I'm slightly better now.

But all these lows are making me want to cry. Nothing I seem to do can stop them. If I lower my insulin I end up too high, I try and work out a doseage based on carbs and I go too low...I just can't win. And then the OH gets frustrated because my levels are so low all the time. I just can't win.

I really don't want this anymore. I just want one day where I can be normal, where I can have a functioning pancreas. I really don't want to be diabetic anymore. It's really really getting me down

Hi Sam,

Firstly, don't think that you are alone or the only one who goes through this. It doesn't always hit at the time of diagnosis and this can make it all the harder to deal with.

If its any consolation my body does not seem to maintain any regular pattern and when I see the DSN they make adjustments which last for a while but then change again. In the 8 years since I have been diagnosed I have not managed to have continuous good control. I go through weeks where I seem to run above 10 and then weeks where I swing the other way and crash every afternoon dispite having a snack mid afternoon and not compensating.

I don't know about you but the constant swinging seems to leave me permenantly tired and this affects how I deal with things. I wish I could give you some advice on getting your levels up and stable but as even the professionals can't seem to agree on the best action for diabetics all I can say is you are not alone and we are here to help and support each other.

Hope you feel better soon

hi, nope not newly diagnosed. Its been 13 years so unless its a really really long honeymoon period then I dunno what's going on :(

I think maybe i might phone my dsn tomorrow and see if i can go and have a chat with her because this is just getting silly!

Lol, ok ignore that bit then! the rest still applies! 😉
The main problem i have is that really, this is the only place I can come to rant and rave over this whole thing. There's no one I can really go to in person who understands and that's kind of making me feel worse because I feel like I have to put a front on for make them think I'm ok when I'm really not.

I give the middle finger to the diabetes right now, I really do. All I want is a fat piece of chocolate cake. But alas, that will not happen.

Haven't you just changed your lifestyle a bit, uni finished working etc, so these factors are bound to take a bit of getting used to.

As for the lifestyle changes, I think they are having a lot to do with things. I got my kick up the backside when I was having my finals and thats when the lows started happening. But I had to get on with it because well, finals time. And then what with uni finishing, starting work etc things have been hectic, but even trying to lower insulin I can't get it right. Its either stupidly low or stupidly high. And right now, its constant lows.
Not much I can say, maybe you should drop your gaurd and show that you need to break down every now and then and prove you're not wonderwoman!!! Maybe not to everyone, but just to the O/H or family (said in a Mitchell family member eastenders deep voice!)

At least you are being sensible, by saying stuff like no to chocolate cake!

It's also good that you are still monioring and understand what levels you are at, so you can have a useful chat with nursey when you can.

You've been through a lot with finals etc, and with the Dee too. But I remember when I left uni it is a bit of a wake up call, and must be more so wit Diabetes, I don't like using it as an excuse but well sometimes there's no hidding from it.

Oh and feel free to come on here and rant anytime!!

Chin up girl.
Hi Salmonpuff,

Don't know what to say except you're definitely not alone, and I'm sure we've all had spells like this.

I've also been diabetic for 13 years although I was diagnosed at 18 when I was doing exams at Uni which made it really difficult. I was constantly high at the time and it wasn't uncommon for me to go to the toilet up to 4 times in one class which didn't help with my studying.

I can only second what Aymes has said, and also what I've been told by my clinic, is that it's better to run yourself slightly high if you can and then gradually bring it down again. I always feel really lousy when I've been low for a while, but don't feel quite so bad if I'm around 10-14.

Constant lows can be notoriosly bad to sort out as it can be hard to tell if it's your fast or slow acting thats bringing you down. Are you hypoing mainly during the day before your next meal? How are your levels from bedtime to morning?

If you're fine from bedtime to morning, but hypoing before each meal you need to look at the fast insulin.

If theres a big drop between bedtime and morning that would suggest it's your slow insulin.

These are just the things I would look at. Hope this helps.

Hi I hope you're feeling better. We all have our ups and downs, so you are not alone. Having a good bawl and telling us all about it will have helped because you are not bottling things up.

Having a chat to the DSN is always a good idea, I'm sure she will help you work something out. meanwhile come back and see us, you are not alone.
How you doing today Salmonpuff? Have you had a bit better one. 🙂
Hi everyone, thanks for all the advice and support. Today hasn't really been much better but I've just had to get on with it. Not helped by a few petty arguments with the oh (oh relationships, how i love you sometimes *grumble*) which were funnily enough all about the lows again. I tried explaining to him that him yelling at me didn't help, but eventually he got it :D but then 'yelled' when i went to have dinner and realised my insulin had ran out...meaning i had to go back to the kitchen (i do it ALL the time, you'd think he'd be used to it by now 🙄)

but anyway, thats sorted, he's playing call of duty world at war and ive just started resident evil 2 claire a scenario and about to check my bloods. AM dreading what they'll be as yet again i've been running low ALL day, tried lowering substantially, still low.

But i refuse to let the tears come today, that was yesterday and I'm sure there'll be abother day of it soon. I still hate having this horrible thing and I want a break, i NEED a break, but i'm just having to grin and bare it...
Hi Salmonpuff, how's it going today? What the others said about the lows affe ting your modd are so true. I also expect that rushing around at work has a lot to do with it - keep adjusting like Northe did when he went through a similar period. As for adjusting for carbs, it seems to be suggested that 10 carbd = 1 insulin unit, but in my case it = 1/2 unit. I don;t have 1/2 units on my pen so have to guess either sliughtly above or below. I'm also having similar problem, but n so exteme to you at moment. Morning readins suggest my basal is correct, but I keep going low before meals and somtimes don't need any insulin, whereas for hat same meal a few days ago, would need at least 2 units :confused: Arrrggg. Luckily, I'm not feeling down about it. Hope you feel better today and OH is a bit more sympathetic.
I havent been up long but it looks as though the same pattern will be happening

breakfast - 3.4 :confused: no food in the house so frankfurters and toast it was

Im going to try and have less insulin today to see what that does, maybe running slightly higher would be good. Monday I'll phone the DSN to see whats going on and if she has any siggestions. But I think today, I need some chocolate.......
Hey Sam, sorry you're having a rough time of it with the lows, I always find that running low actually makes me feel worse (emotionally anyway!) than running high sometimes... I would definitely agree that you need to cut back on the insulin, short acting definitely. And I'd cut back by a good couple of units, stop the lows then gradually re-increase it up to the point you're running roughly normal. It's definitely better to run slightly high for a day or 2 if it means you are going to avoid going low constantly. Good luck!

And yes - we all have those horrible days... It's good to talk 🙂

I am having the completely opposite problem... Since finishing work for the summer I am doing a lot less running around and my sugars have been up in the 14s for 2 days... Back to the drawing board it is!!
Hi Sam,

How you feeling today....🙂...I can't really say anything other than what has been already...I think everyone who has diabetes or is a parent/carer with a child that is diabetic..all have out ups and downs...I know I certainly do..and there are days when I could either scream,cry or go insane.when Nathan's levels are all over, or having hypo's/hyper's, or when Nathan is in bits over his diabetes..and often wonder how will it ever be are we going to get through it etc....But some where have to draw on strength and get through.

Have you spoken to your DSN...and asked if there is someone you can talk to about your worries and how you are feeling?...I'm sure your parents would help etc, if they knew how you were feeling...

Sending (((((HUGS)))))

Hi Salmonpuff, sorry to hear you're having a hard time - diabetes can be such a total a*** at times. :( On the plus side you've made it through finals - well done!! I remember finals...shudder!!

Not sure if this is any help... but I find that my sugar levels seem to vary with my hormone time of the month, when pregnant etc (not suggesting anything!!!)... but wondering if some underlying thing like that might be having an effect? Although I suspect if you're running around like crazy that might just be it though.

Anyway, fingers crossed you feel better soon!!
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