The day the consultant fell of his chair (nearly)

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Ellie Jones

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Well Just got back from seeing my consultant...

Urine samples test all negative:D
Blood presure brillient:D

My consultant commented on oh well I was looking...

From my results he could see that I'm doing very well.. Then he download my pump and meter data..

It was at this point he nearly fell off his chair, he was gobsmacked with my tight range of control and siad it was impressive and you really couldn't get better than that..(that is what he thinks)

'I am a complete pump sucess'

Talking to my pump nurse apparently I'm such as sucess that I'm stuck on their board, and my success with a insulin pump is shared.

Me I feel over the moon, and it's really nice to know that I haven't wasted a penny thats been invested in me..

I did have a quick word concerning my worries with the reform Bill, he assured me not to worry as I my sucess with the insulin pump therapy is a prime example of why pumps should be continued to be funded and invested in...

And I don't need to go back for a year, but if I feel I need to see them earlier I know where they are🙂
Ellie you must be smiling from ear to ear such brilliant news well done...
That's terrific Ellie! Well done and what a great reward for all your hard work in getting the pump to work so well for you 🙂
Well done Ellie :D

Did you get an HbA1c result or was it not time for that ?

Hi Ellie,

Well done - its nice when all the hard work is appreciated by the Medical Profession. Did you find out your HBA1C.🙂Bev
Oh yes, I forgot my HbA1c in my excitement, 5.9%

My consultant has had a lot of stick off me in the past during my pump quest, but he's never once held it against me even though for 3 years I must have been one of his dreaded patients he had to see every 3 months🙄

Les was laughing on the way home, as he said that he didn't know which one of us was more excited about my result me or my consultant, but he did half feel proud of me...

Strange bit of it all, using the pump doesn't feel as hard work as when on MDI


As to smile from ear to ear, I floated out of out patients mind you the door sizes changed while I was in there, very easy to get in but a tight squeeze on the way out😱
Good for you! I'm so pleased! I'm hoping that'll happen for me one day...
Brilliant Ellie, you must be chugged to bits!
Brilliant result! Well done!! 🙂
Really well done Ellie. So your OH reckons your consultant is secretly pleased he won't see you for a year. Does OH have the same consultant you could always turn up with him ....

It's a shame after a fall out with his consultant, Les walked out of clinic and haven't been back for 28 years😱

Mind you I've only just realised today, sitting arrangements were different to normal... As during my little battle for my pump Les always sat next and slightly behind me the purpose of this was that if he felt I was going to get angry etc he could poke me in the rib cage🙄

Give my consultant credit, he did put up with my nagging very well indeed and even a joke or two along the way...

I shalln't forget at one appointment, feeling very frustrated with having to wait yet anothr 3 months to see if I would be able to get a pump...

I looked at him and said 'will I actually get a pump before or after you retire'

His reply quick as a flash, 'hopefully before as I'm not that old I'm indeed retiring any day soon' LOL
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