The day for the pump has arrived

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

The day has arrived at last. My meeting is Thursday 1.30pm to get connected and practice with saline over the weekend.

I really don't know what to expect at the meeting, will it be a group or just me? Will there be someone there from Animas to help? How long will I be there?

Don't get me wrong I'm really excited about what I'm about to embark on. I'm reading the book you guys recommended. Thanks so much.

I've also downloaded the instruction book for the pump from Animas website which i'm going to look through this afternoon.

Good luck Michael! I'm sure you'll get lots of good support from the pumpers here- they really know their stuff! 🙂
Hiya Michael

How exciting. Different hospitals do it different ways. Our hospital do not have a pump rep present as they are expert on training.

We are all hear to answer your questions and help you along the way.
Good luck

Please note though it is Wednesday the 2nd of March today. So don't go turning up today in your excitement :D
Try not to get too excited over the weekend - your last one on injections, hopefully! 🙂
Try not to get too excited over the weekend - your last one on injections, hopefully! 🙂

Hahaha quite right, your numbers will go sky high from the excitment and no amount of saline will bring those down.

You sounds so happy Michael, it is great.

You will get used to how you want to wear the pump and where it goes attached with what will change over time till you find what is best.

If you don't like the sets, you can change them. Have they told you to order some yet? Three is not going to get you very far? We had been told to order sets and reservoirs, three months worth at a time before we went 'live' with insulin. Again different hospitals do it different ways.

What pump do you have and what sets do you have?

Good luck, have a great weekend punching those buttons but please don't forget to inject as well, have heard that before 😱
Having injected for the last 28 years, I'll be fascinated to see how you get on - keep us posted!
Good luck 🙂
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