The Dawn effect

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
If you don't have breakfast does the dawn effect bs continue you go up. Just asking because when I got up this morning my bs was 5.1 and 3 hours later it was 7.4 - I'd only had a coffee.:confused:
Not sure, but I think it has something to do with the way the liver and the body works. If you don't eat for a long time your body thinks there is a famine and because you need energy the liver releases more glucose. Thta is why breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day.
Not sure, but I think it has something to do with the way the liver and the body works. If you don't eat for a long time your body thinks there is a famine and because you need energy the liver releases more glucose. Thta is why breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day.

The DP can run on into mid morning with some people.
But as T2 you face the prospect of a "Liver Dump" when you go too low.
It was probably a liver dump, but also did you have milk in the Coffee? because I find even a small amount will make my bs rise.
The DP can run on into mid morning with some people.
But as T2 you face the prospect of a "Liver Dump" when you go too low.

What is classed as too low? I was all excited when I got a reading of 4.9 after exercise today - then when I uploaded my readings into my log, it flashed up that this was below target?

Karina (still easily confused newbie)
I was told anything under 4 was a hypo, but would be delighted if I got a 4.9.
What is classed as too low? I was all excited when I got a reading of 4.9 after exercise today - then when I uploaded my readings into my log, it flashed up that this was below target?

Karina (still easily confused newbie)

Usually between 4 and 7 is given as the desirable range.
Can you check the ranges given by your software ?
If I am testing before a meal I like to see 4.6
DAFNE (ever since i did that course, i feel like i've signed up to a religion - DAFNE says this, DAFNE says that etc) says that a hypo is anything below 3.5. personally i treat anything below 4.

karina - could it just be that you were out of target for that time of day, eg pre meal, post meal?
What is classed as too low? I was all excited when I got a reading of 4.9 after exercise today - then when I uploaded my readings into my log, it flashed up that this was below target?

Karina (still easily confused newbie)

Karina, ask your DSN what your personal targets are, then have a look at your meter instruction manual and software, if you donwoad info from it. They should tell you how to input your personal targets. There are suggested targets on the Diabetes UK website too. Then your meter will only give you a warning when you go below your personal or the suggeted targets (whichever you choose.) My hypo warning flashes at 3.9 and below, although I would feel horrible at this level anyway.
Karina, ask your DSN what your personal targets are, then have a look at your meter instruction manual and software, if you donwoad info from it. They should tell you how to input your personal targets. There are suggested targets on the Diabetes UK website too. Then your meter will only give you a warning when you go below your personal or the suggeted targets (whichever you choose.) My hypo warning flashes at 3.9 and below, although I would feel horrible at this level anyway.

I don't seem to have a DSN as yet - diagnosed just about 2 weeks ago in a phone call from Doc and only seen practice nurse for 'dietary advice' (diet sheets and try to cut back from a choccie biccy with every cup of tea to one every second cup of tea). Maybe as time goes on all these people will magically appear..

I'll read up on the instructions for the meter and tweak the 'log' settings accordingly!


My BG goes up in the morning if I don't have breakfast....

Which reminds me I haven't had my porridge yet.... (GI of 42)
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