The cold linked to hypo?

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Relationship to Diabetes
I'm sorry I feel like I'm asking twenty questions at the moment, but everything is so confusing, just as I think I've got the results under control, it all goes wrong.

Yesterday N came home from school had a snack as usual, something I have given her before, and in fact has been known to cause a spike (one of the little stars fromage frais) then about 1 hour later her brother comes out of their room and says N needs you urgently, of course I'm panicking by now! N said she would like to check her blood cause she felt funny, so we check it and it's gone down to 3.0

So I gave her 3 dextrose tablets and told her to come into the front room. She had been on her bed reading. Her little brother had managed to turn the radiator off in their room because apparently it was too hot.

I was wondering if she got cold while reading her book and this caused her to use more energy keeping warm and therefore to have a hypo. Because what with the lunch time reading, on a non PE day that snack would usually easily see her through to teatime.
It is possible the cold caused the hypo. Others have said the same or similar. I hope everything is OK now.
I would say yes - the cold weather can cause havoc with levels - try not to think of it as you doing something 'wrong' - your not - this is just diabetes and you are doing the best you can.🙂Bev
I would say a resounding yes! I find I have lots more hypos in this bitterly cold weather. Diabetes is like this, any little changes make it very cross indeed!!
I've been having more hypos since the temperature dropped and forced me to put the heating on! I had two yesterday and have had one so far today!
Me too, I've had loads in the last week. I've dropped my levemir from 13.5 to 11.5 but still had 2 hypos today - including one in the middle of a concert I was playing in tonight! Got to the end of the 2nd piece and realised my lucozade was across the church where we were playing... so ran across between pieces to grab it. Thankfully there was only a small audience (it's snowy up North) and it wasn't a formal concert. There were a few wonky notes from my flute though!

So, down with the insulin again tomorrow!
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