The bottom line I?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

Just back from my yearly retinopathy Screening, currently trying to type in a straight line, but having problems as some nice girl not that long ago pour about a quart of dilation drops so she could see deep into my soul!! Ha!

She also completely miss-pronounced my name! Made me laugh, she said I could hit her if it was wrong!? I chose not hit her or to correct her so I could giggle next time she called me up!

Before hand she asked the usual, dot dot dot, then a basic eye test, i.e. read the lowest line on the board you can. Well I could clearly see the third from bottom line, the second from bottom I could guess about half of the letters, so she said that's fine you've got twenty twenty plus (is this a new cricket game she's just invented I thought to myself?)

It crossed my mind has anybody read the bottom line??

Regarding the eye screening, she took the 4 shots and showed them to me explaining what we should look for explaining a few things, all looked fine to me, but she said she was unable to comment on the pics, as it has to be looked at by someone who is trained sitting in an office in Farnham Hospital! Four weeks I have to wait! Still at least I have seen the images myself and as I said it looks alright?!!


Rossi :D
Alright Rossi i was told 4 weeks and got mine back yesterday only had them done on the 16th, regarding seeing the bottom line i have never been able to read that or the one above that i can only read half way through the 3rd from bottom and thats my lot lol.
I think last time Nathan went he got to the third line ... But Nathan wears glasses anyway .. and sometimes remembers what the letters are ... This was pulled up last year when he had a change in his glasses .... :D

20/20 (feet) or 6/6 (meters) vision usually corresponds to the third or fourth line from the bottom depending on the specific chart. The line you read Rossi means (approximately) you can read at 20' what a person defined as average can read at 15'. Once you start to need reading glasses different charts are used
20/20 (feet) or 6/6 (meters) vision usually corresponds to the third or fourth line from the bottom depending on the specific chart. The line you read Rossi means (approximately) you can read at 20' what a person defined as average can read at 15'. Once you start to need reading glasses different charts are used

thanks falcon x
i can usually read the bottom line with one eye but not the other (can't remember which way round it is!)

Funny you should day that my left eye is way worse, but i was told i have a lazy left eye so guess that would be why. 🙄
20/20 (feet) or 6/6 (meters) vision usually corresponds to the third or fourth line from the bottom depending on the specific chart. The line you read Rossi means (approximately) you can read at 20' what a person defined as average can read at 15'. Once you start to need reading glasses different charts are used

truely a fount of knowledge! And some of it very useful😉 Cheers Michael!
haha yes one of mine is lazy, i think it's my left one too. i didn't ever really think about it until about 6 years ago when someone said to me "do you have a lazy eye?" !!!!!!!!! the cheek!
haha yes one of mine is lazy, i think it's my left one too. i didn't ever really think about it until about 6 years ago when someone said to me "do you have a lazy eye?" !!!!!!!!! the cheek!

I know what you mean why pick on my eye , the rest of me is lazy as well :D:D
Interesting that they are not allowed to comment on the photos, I'm sure that most would be perfectly capable.(actually I remember reading a research study which showed that there was no difference in the correct diagnosis of reinopathy from photos between optomotrists or opthamalmologists.)
Locally there are no photos for initial examinations.we have them done by an optho using a slit lamp. I paid to have photos done in the UK soon after diagnosis, as it gave me a baseline record The optometrist spent some time explaining the photos and also showed me some images with problems so I could compare. She convinced me she knew what she was talking about.
Interesting that they are not allowed to comment on the photos, I'm sure that most would be perfectly capable.(actually I remember reading a research study which showed that there was no difference in the correct diagnosis of reinopathy from photos between optomotrists or opthamalmologists.)

when i went to Specsavers in...october 09 i think...they took the photos but told me they could not comment on them as they are not licensed to do so. they have all the training and qualifications (or whatever they need) but they have not had the go ahead to be able to say anything.
when i went to Specsavers in...october 09 i think...they took the photos but told me they could not comment on them as they are not licensed to do so. they have all the training and qualifications (or whatever they need) but they have not had the go ahead to be able to say anything.

Hmm, my visit to Specsavers in October 09 included pics too and the chappy said "I can't see anything to worry about" but you'll get a fuller report from the specialists at the Diabetic clinic once you've been there.
I had a funny but not funny experience last week. I went to see an eye specialist about itchy eyes, nothing to do with sight. When I got to the hospital it said on the wall 'diabetes retinal scanning day'. Yippee !! Well the waiting room was filled with, I kid you not, very old purple rinsed ladies, lots of them all over 80 I would surmise.

Well I watched and heard (as everyone shouted at everyone) them all go behind a cubicle and have their eyesight tested (the letters on the wall), then they came and sat back down.

I was then called and went around into the cubicle. I said I'm not having my eyes tested am I? One of the nurses said diabetes day and I said I don't have diabetes I have itchy eyes and am here to see consultant. Oh she said, well you might as well do this. So I sat down and with each eye read the bottom line fast. She was gob smacked and I left and went and saw the consultant.

I was cross because she presumed after one look at me that I had diabetes from my size as there would be nothing else to give it away !!!!!! That is just soooo wrong and not right. I could have been sitting next to Mrs skinny, my age but I would have been chosen as the type 2 not Mrs skinny who could possibly have type 2.

If the med staff don't know the facts, there really is no hope.

As it is I have an appointment to see a proper optician tomorrow morning, a two yearly check, so we'll see if I can read the bottom line then or not, possibly not !

I used to have 20/20 vision but not for the last couple of years.😉
I had my eye test a couple of weeks ago, got the results back in approx 2 weeks. Everything was fine.
I could read the 3rd from bottom line and also a few of the letters on the 2nd to bottom line. I did have my glasses on though 😎
A friend of mine is also T2 diabetic and he went for his eye test last week. He sat there in the waiting room waiting for his eyes to go fuzzy after having the drops in. They weren't going fuzzy :confused:
When he was called in the lady testing said 'oh, it looks like I haven't put enough drops in 😱 but I will do the test anyway' 🙄
He wasn't very happy and has another test for diabetic screening at another hospital, so he is going to have them tested again.
Last time I had my eyes tested was the first time I couldn't read the bottom line, I was gutted. But the when I told friends about it they all said they've never been able to read it ....
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