The Battle of the Diets

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear All,

I'm not sure that this is the right forum, but this rather long U Tube video is interesting. It's presented by Prof Gardner Of Stanford Uni' who is definitely one of the "Establishment" (e.g. he holds the traditional view regarding saturated fat) but nevertheless is a "natural communicator". Being diabetic, I found his conclusion that the winning diet is better at reducing CVD risk interesting. Any comments/thoughts?

The Battle of the Diets - Anyone Winning (At Losing!)

Regards Dodger
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Dear All,

I'm not sure that this is the right forum, but this rather long U Tube video is interesting. It's presented by Prof Gardner Of Stanford Uni' who is definitely one of the "Establishment" (e.g. he holds the traditional view regarding saturated fat) but nevertheless is a "natural communicator". Being diabetic, I found his conclusion that the winning diet is better at reducing CVD risk interesting. Any comments/thoughts?

The Battle of the Diets - Anyone Winning (At Losing!)

Regards Dodger

Dear All,

At the time of writing this there have been 45 views but no one has seen fit to comment I guess my time on this forum is at an end. Wishing you all the best.

Warmest Regards Dodger
Hi Dodger, I know how you feel as regards to response against views having had a similar experience in trying to set up a chatroom, mine was 127 views and just 4 responses.
Take care Dodger
Hi Dodger and John,

Please don't feel that lack of response to your posts is any indication of a lack of interest. I try to make sure I read every post and respond if I feel I have something to add, but the last couple of days have been quite busyt so I haven't had a chance to catch up yet. Both of you have provided some extremely good threads and responses and I really do value this, as I'm sure many more people do. We have 1600 members now, and about 250 posting on a regular basis (not sure how you define regular though!). That, to me, means a lot of people are reading and benefitting from the posts, but choosing not to respond, which some are not comfortable with doing.

I do hope that you will both continue contributing as I, for one, really apprecate your input. Dodger, I haven't had time to watch the video yet, but will do soon. John, I responded to your chatroom thread and really appreciate you making the effort to provide something that some members felt was lacking. Some topics are 'slow-burners', others elicit a flood of responses and debate. I do understand when you can see that people have read your post but not taken the time to respond - it has happened to me many times, but there might be a hundred different reasons for it that you are not aware of, so don't lose faith - the place is far richer for your presence.🙂
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Dodger and John,

Really sorry if you feel that your input is wasted on us. I echo what Northerner says - the forum is richer for your presence.🙂

I think that sometimes people just focus on particular types of threads - I mostly just look at the 'Pumpers thread' - for obvious reasons. But that doesnt mean that i dont find other types of threads interesting - its just about fitting it all in sometimes! I am always tired lately due to night time testing etc - but i always find these sorts of threads very interesting - when i have time to read them that is. So please dont leave the forum - we would all be sorry to see you go - your always so full of information and do a great job at educating us on many subjects.🙂Bev
I read the thread and opened the video, but didnt have time to watch it because I was about to do some yoga! Therefore didn't comment either.

Please don't take offense, no one is intentionally ignoring people!


I think this needs to be put into perspective here. The pumpers thread, the sticky one, has 12,890 odd views but only 990 replies !!!!

I have posted new threads before now but no answers. Its just one of those things unfortunately, doesn't mean people are ignoring others. Maybe there aren't many around. I've only just been in recently after being away. Its half term so there will be lots on holiday perhaps !

Don't get so disheartened so quickly :confused:
yeah i agree with adrienne the virtual pub has had 1,809 posts but 13,567 views, sometimes thread either go by the way side and get overlooked all together or some feel they only reply to certain threads, as northe said i replied to johns chatroom thread as i thought it was a good idea but tbh i only noticed this thread when it popped up about 8 o clock
Dear All,

At the time of writing this there have been 45 views but no one has seen fit to comment I guess my time on this forum is at an end. Wishing you all the best.

Warmest Regards Dodger


Just to re-iterate what others have said. I find your posts interesting and thought provoking but am one of those who lurks more than I respond as "life" tends to take over. You inspired me to take a better look at my diet and whilst I don't take as strict an approach to carbs as you do I'd like to acknowledge publicly just how much you started me off thinking

I haven't yet had the time to look at the Stanford link in full so don't feel I can really comment meaningfully on it - I've been preparing to teach a workshop for a quilting group on something I'd not done much of before so it took over a bit. Workshop took place yesterday and I now have 2 weeks before I need to teach the tricky bit so hoping to sit down with it over the next couple of days


Again I find your posts interesting. Personally I'm not an on-line "chatter" so haven't responded

Personally I try to read the posts on here a couple of times a day (or more) and this is a useful reminder that I should try to post responses more often. I am ever grateful to those of you that do - often I find someone else has expressed what I would like to have said so much more eloquently.
Dear All,

Thank you for your kind thoughts, I am suffering from a bout of depression which caused my petulant post. It is nothing to do with my condition since my only problem with diabetes is a mild loss of sensation in one foot. I will look in when I feel better, I really do care about you all.

Warmest Regards Dodger :(
Dear All,

Thank you for your kind thoughts, I am suffering from a bout of depression which caused my petulant post. It is nothing to do with my condition since my only problem with diabetes is a mild loss of sensation in one foot. I will look in when I feel better, I really do care about you all.

Warmest Regards Dodger :(

Hi Dodger, sorry to hear that you have been feeling down, hope that you are feeling brighter soon. Very pleased that you are sticking with us!🙂
Dear All,

Thank you for your kind thoughts, I am suffering from a bout of depression which caused my petulant post. It is nothing to do with my condition since my only problem with diabetes is a mild loss of sensation in one foot. I will look in when I feel better, I really do care about you all.

Warmest Regards Dodger :(

sorry to hear your feeling blue dodger , pleased you posted again though x hope you fell yourself soon
Hi Dodger,

Really sorry your feeling down. But really glad your back with us! Perhaps its the time of year - dark nights and not enough nice sunshine etc..
Anyway, will look forward to reading more of your informative posts in the future. Take care of yourself and get better soon.🙂Bev x
It takes a bit of time...

...but listening (and that's better than the visuals!) to Dodger's link is well worth it.

What you have is a compelling case against following the so-called balanced diet - with its diminution of the role of fats to the advantage of the carb intake.

It's partucularly aimed at the USA - but it's conclusions are universal in their application.
Dear All,

Thank you for your kind thoughts, I am suffering from a bout of depression which caused my petulant post. It is nothing to do with my condition since my only problem with diabetes is a mild loss of sensation in one foot. I will look in when I feel better, I really do care about you all.

Warmest Regards Dodger :(

Sorry to hear that Dodger. Really hope you feel better soon. This time of year doesn't help with things x
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