The Army...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello All,

Just a quick update. Things are gathering speed as regards my plans with the army. I've posted a similar discussion on the facebook page for DUK and I've had one or two other encouraging responses and seen other like minded induviduals. Hopefully I'll be able to get more people to act on this and help me prove that diabetes does not mean that gates should be kept shut to you.

Tom H
Good luck Tom, just ask if we can help by signing anything or whatever.
Good luck Tom
Hello all,

Today I write in a slightly despondent mood. I recieved a letter from my MP (Nigel Waterson) informing me that there were no plans to review the blanket bans upon diabetics serving in the army. This is despite the sterling efforts of my MP and the help from DUK. I begin to feel that I am recieving what must be a stock reply. I am begining to percieve that there is a lack of willingness to investigate the possibilities and to be open minded. This is what I find most galling. I have presented evidence suggesting that diabetics are capable of doing what non diabetics are capable of yet despite this I still am left with the impression that my efforts have not been reciprocated by the MOD. I am begining to get somewhat frustrated with the lack of effort on the part of the MOD and specifically Mr Kevan Jones MP, under secretary of state in the MOD.
I intend to give things a little before I begin again. I will not give in. Beware Gordon, there is a time for change and this is the time for it.

Tom H
Hi Tom,

Please do'nt feel despondent....sometimes perseverance and patience will prevail. As far as I can see your doing everything possible for the Army to change there outdated views and rules.
Good luck...follow your heart and dream

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