The appointment I'm dreading most

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My referrals are still coming through but the one I'm most nervous about has landed on the doormat... the dietician :( I've been thinking about why this one causes me such grief and the reasons I'm coming up with are that I feel like it's going to be someone judging me for my weight.
My referrals are still coming through but the one I'm most nervous about has landed on the doormat... the dietician :( I've been thinking about why this one causes me such grief and the reasons I'm coming up with are that I feel like it's going to be someone judging me for my weight.
Hi Ladyengineer
Nobody should judge you. If the dietician is a truly proffesional minded person, he/she wouldn't judge you. Some use criticism and harsh words in order to encourage people to lead a healthy lifestyle, but I don't believe that kind of method. Try to relax, and make most of the session with your dietician. If I were you, I would prepare and make a list of questions to ask about the diet, what to eat, what not to eat, how much to eat, etc.🙂
I hope that it is much better than you fear then! 🙂 Try to think of what you want to get out of the consultation so you have lots of questions for them. And remember, if we all looked like Kelly Brook or, erm, some bloke the ladies like, then they'd be out of a job! There are times that I've feared being judged because of my admitted past alcohol consumption, but all I've received has been understanding and support, so try and go in with a positive frame of mind about what you hope to achieve with their help. 🙂
i have never had a referral to a dietician ...only the printed sheet !! ...

i would suggest that you go in and ask the questions confident ask for their professional opinion ...take the lead dont let them bully you ...remember you're there to be helped and they are employed by you the tax payer to help you ...good luck x🙂
I remember my visit to the dieticican..... i found it a waste of time...

a twenty year old speaking down to me and telling me to eat lots of carbs!

when my doc asked how it went, i told him and all he said was that very few people see the benefit anc already know hoe they "should" eat.

dont worry about it
Agree with Hotchop...

...a total waste of time, yes - and worse!

Follow a healthy balanced diet, was the instruction - and when I went back to the GP 6 months later my blood sugar was higher than ever!

My best advice to anyone with diabetes going to see the dietician is to take with you downloads of the Harvard Healthy Eating Pyramid (drawn up specifically for us and, in my experiece, ideal for those wishing to control it by diet and exercise) and a summary of the Cochrane Review.

And be prepared to stand your ground!
I had a referal to the dietician. She told me everything I already knew and I got sent packing with a diet sheet.

A professional will never judge you for your weight, or should never judge you for it.

I hope the appointment exceeds your expectations. Make a list of all the things you want to say or ask.
Any dietician worth your salt should be prefessional enough and not sit and judge, but give you the best diet plan to suit.Hope it goes well
I have had the bad experiences similar to others, where you just feel they are handing out the same bland stuff that everyone knows, 5 a day, more fuit and veg, less sugar - YAWN!

However, I have also seen one who was great, actually prepared to listen to my lifestyle, single person, variable hours, out most evenings (mix of exercise and youth work, before you accuse me of pubbing!) and so needing to be home and out within about 45mins.

She then actually gave it some thought and gave me some very useful hints and tips. I especially liked the one about eating more meat(protein) and less potato (carbs). All I need to do now is fit in the fruit and veg too.

Best advice, as previously said, be ready to stand your ground and say 'er no, that wouldnt work for me because....'

But apart from that remember they are there to help not judge and have little clinical input into things anyway.

I doubt they'll be judgemental - hopefully they'll help you work out a healthy eating plan, working round all your lifestyle issues eg packed lunches, activity sessions, meal times etc. I've only seen a dietician about 3 times in 14 years since diagnosis - the first one gave me the information about DVLA that should have been mentioned by a doctor or nurse and was very understanding about my restrictions on food due to living with parents & a cousin, which ruled out pasta, cooked cheese, spicy food etc, all of which I like and started eating as soon as I moved out! In recent years, I've met a dietician a couple of times who has helped with advice about carbo calculating, home grown veg (eat as much as I like, only carb count for potato - I had assumed I needed to count for corn) and food for endurance sports events.
So, I hope you'll have a good experience.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've now got my appointment and it's not until the 20th September so I have plenty of time to think about my questions 🙂
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've now got my appointment and it's not until the 20th September so I have plenty of time to think about my questions 🙂

Last time I saw my dietician, I gave her a list of foods I actually had in the previous week. 8am:1 bowl of cereal and banana, 1pm: peanut butter sandwich, that sort of thing. She gave me practical advice based on that, eg. you should swap banana with satsuma, you should eat small snack in between bekkie and lunch.....etc.🙂
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