"The alternative to sugar that could help you slim"

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Much missed member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
http://e-edition.metro.co.uk/2011/08/08/index.html?p=1, pages 20-21 (needs free registration to view -- use a GMail account or the like).

The main article (apparently from the Department of the Flippin' Obvious) is all about how a sugary diet is Not A Good Idea, even for those who don't have diabetes and aren't likely to develop it.

However you look at it, a cake diet is not the answer

That of course depends on what the question is. 😉 If the question is "how can I get enormously fat and lose all my teeth in hardly any time?" then, yes, a cake diet is the answer. :D

However, what caught my eye about this article (hence this post) is the sidebar beneath it:

...a new study has shown that xylitol may ... alter the way in which our bodies deal with fat

It (and its cousins sorbitol and mannitol) certainly do this -- use any of these, and all the fat you shovel in at one end will soon be coming out of the other. 😱 And my mind boggles at the claim (also in that sidebar) that the sugar alcohols are low-GI -- that's not my experience of them. 🙄
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It (and its cousins sorbitol and mannitol) certainly do this -- use any of these, and all the fat you shovel in at one end will soon be coming out of the other. 😱 And my mind boggles at the claim (also in that sidebar) that the sugar alcohols are low-GI -- that's not my experience of them. 🙄

I can confirm that!😉
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