The A to Z of Vegetables (from DSF)

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The A to Z of Vegetables
Edited / Updated Feb 2024

If people with diabetes are aiming to restrict carbohydrate what’s left? Well, pretty obvious isn’t it? Vegetables. Yes, if you’re restricting carbs then you need to fill up on something, but, and it’s a big BUT for some who say they don’t like vegetables. My first reaction to that is “How can you not like vegetables?” A carrot tastes nothing like a Brussel sprout, so even if you don’t like sprouts, there must be some veggie you can stand the taste of. So I set out to compile a list of interesting things to do with vegetables. Most I have tried and enjoyed. I hope this will help newly diagnosed people, and also those not so newly diagnosed, but looking for new ideas.

Firstly if you have been used to eating a lot of carbohydrate – and those people born in the 70s and later will be used to that – then substitutes are the place to start. What can take the place of mashed potato/jacket potato/pasta and rice? The things you use as a base for sauce. I have used the substitutes and find them acceptable and actually in some cases I like them more than the originals.

Baked potatoes – substitute Butternut Squash, scrub it, cut off the “bowl” part, scrape out the seeds, brush with olive oil and roast it for about 35 minutes or until tender. Ideal instead of a baked potato since you can top it with the same kind of fillings you would use in a baked potato and it’s only 12g per 100g carb instead of 21g per 100g for a potato plus it is lower GI/GL (you can also eat the skin when it’s cooked which adds to your fibre intake). Even better, in Autumn use one of the lovely little autumn varieties of squash, such as Festival Squash cut in half, seeds scooped out, sprayed with oil and baked in the oven, the texture is filling and the taste is absolutely delicious plus they are only about 2g carb per 100g! Great to pile Chilli or other fillings into.

Mashed potatoes – lots of choices here! Cook cauliflower florets in the microwave with a tiny bit of water until they are soft, (or steam over a pan of water), let them stop steaming and dry out a bit before mashing the cooked flesh with some butter and black pepper. Ensure your cauliflower is really fresh and it will taste quite neutral. Celeriac, cut into approx 2cm cubes and boil until tender then mash – this is virtually zilch carbs – if you like add a large spoonful of garlic and herb cream cheese, or boil a couple of garlic cloves with the celeriac and mash together with butter and black pepper (incidentally Celeriac makes fab low carb chips – just prepare as you would potatoes).

Carrot and Swede. Boil together until tender and puree with butter – use to top a shepherd’s pie made with lamb mince – delicious! Or just mash coarsely as an accompaniment to stews.

Butter bean mash – one of my favourites – a little higher in carbs than some at 16.8g per 100g but really delicious and they add fibre and protein to your diet. Finely slice an onion and gently fry until browned with some crushed peeled garlic. If you use canned beans drain them and rinse them and then warm them in some water, drain and put into a food processor, or mash them with a little of the liquid you warmed them in. Add the onions/garlic and mash well – actually I cannot see this working with a masher, (I love my food processor which is all of 40 odd years old and still going strong). Add a good handful of chopped herbs to your taste and mix well.

Pasta, what can be used instead of pasta? Try the versions of spiralised courgettes, butternut squash and carrots now available freely in supermarkets. Or, cut a courgette in half lengthwise, scoop out the seeds and use a common potato peeler to make “ribbons” of courgette which substitute nicely for tagliatelli. Fry in butter and use instead of pasta. You can use courgettes or Aubergines in place of lasagna sheets, just slice about 1cm thick and brush a baking tray with oil, Lay the vegetables on it and brush the tops with oil, place in the oven for about 10 minutes, turning half way until they are soft and then use as Lasagna sheets.

Cauli Rice makes a good substitute for rice. Grate a very fresh cauli (I use the grating disk of a food processor to do this but an ordinary cheap grater will do the same job), and then lightly steam it, or stir fry it with a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Goes well with any type of curry or with Chilli. You can also add chopped vegetables to make fried rice.

Then again, this is about comfort food and rather than using substitutes for things we’re used to... what about thinking out of the box? I adore Lentils and they’re very comforting and useful as “stodge”. Celeriac Dauphinoise is another comfort food. It makes an excellent side dish for any type of meat or chicken and can be equally impressive as a vegetarian accompaniment.

Beans are another great resource at between 9 and 16g per 100g cooked. Try making your own baked beans with canned tomatoes and herbs, or a Spanish style bean stew.

Pizza – Before going on to vegetables as vegetables, I just wanted to mention that you can make a fantastic low carb pizza base. Use Google to find your preferred recipe. Experiment with your own toppings.

Crisps – Make your own Vegetable Crisps which work out at 9g carb per 74g portion (as opposed to 14 per 25g commercial crisp pack). Again Google “Vegetable crisps”. One idea I saw recently was to scrub a potato and then peel it and cook the potato peels in an air fryer or oven to make crispy potato skins.

So what can you do with vegetables. A few ideas (note these are ideas and not necessarily recipes). Google is a treasure trove of recipes...

Aubergine try Aubergine, sweet potato and chick pea curry or simply griddle it, or use it in Moussaka. Also it’s lovely roast in Mediterranean Veggies. Chop up your Aubergine into largish chunks, add chunks of Courgette, red onions or shallots, Butternut squash, Green, red or yellow peppers, carrots, mushrooms – or any combination your imagination can think up (I don’t like to put tomatoes in because they tend to make the roast veggies too sloppy and watery). Toss in a generous glug of olive oil, add fresh basil leaves and some peeled garlic cloves and roast for approx 25 minutes, in the last 10 minutes you can add sliced goat’s cheese or feta, finish with a dash of balsamic vinegar or Pomegranate molasses. Aubergine Parmigiana is another lovely recipe, but a bit faffy, layers of tinned tomato, Aubergine and parmesan cheese.
Artichokes use the hearts in salads – or add to the roasted veggies. You can buy them tinned. Jerusalem artichokes are wonderful and I wish I could get my hands on these little knobbly veggies more often. They substitute well for potatoes in stews. They are rich in iron to give you energy, along with potassium and vitamin B1, which support your muscles and nerves. Although they're sweet, their starchy fibre stops any spikes in blood sugar levels – indeed they have a lower glycemic index (GI) score than potatoes – and they aren't fattening.

Asparagus eat as a veggie lightly steamed or add to salads whilst still warm. It’s delicious with Hollandaise sauce. Or toss it with a few blanched and toasted almonds and a little olive oil, then stir fry.
Beans, green brilliant in any stir fries. Combine with mini corn, Pak Choi and tinned drained water chestnuts, green or red peppers, stir fry in a little Sesame oil and top with a sprinkling of sesame seeds. Or use the Thai seasoning from the herb/spice section of your supermarket – or simply toss in a little soy sauce. You can also use still warm green beans as part of a salad in summer.

Beans, runner or stringless can just be lightly boiled, steamed or cooked in the microwave with a minimum of water. I like them with a thinnish cheese sauce over them.

Broccoli. Steam or microwave lightly, don’t forget to slice up the stalk bit and add to the florets. Cook in cheese sauce in the oven combined with cauliflower or on its own. Top with grated Parmesan or Cheddar, or to ring the changes use a blue cheese such as Dolcelatte, Gorgonzola or Stilton. Lovely in a soup with blue cheese. Also use the raw florets chopped up finely in a salad.
Brussels Sprouts, there’s the obvious Christmas dish where you toss them with Chestnuts, but try them sliced and fried with sliced mushrooms and onions. Use them as “Bubble and Squeak” with the mashed celeriac. I have done them with parmesan and balsamic vinegar and they were absolutely gorgeous.

Butter beans – So very versatile. See my recipe for butter bean mash in the introduction. Or Google for more recipes.

Carrots – steam or boil, toss in butter and sprinkle with Caraway seeds, or try Fennel Seeds. Or.... Cook until tender, put into a frying pan with a knob of butter and some chopped Dill, fry until lightly caramellised. Try sprinkling them with cumin, cinnamon and black pepper. Or some orange zest.

Cabbage – I like to dry fry some Pancetta or diced streaky bacon, chop cabbage and add a thinly sliced leek. Add to the bacon in the pan and toss until cooked through, add a couple of tablespoons full of double or sour cream and black pepper before serving. Or chop cabbage finely, add a grated cooking apple, and a cup of cider, pop in the oven and cook for about 1 hour until tender and the cider has reduced to a sticky glaze. You can also do this with red cabbage but I tend to add a bit of Splenda to red cabbage.

Cauliflower – Everyone knows how to make Cauli cheese. There are lots of lovely recipes for Cauliflower only a google away. Especially nice are the recipes for roast Cauliflower “steaks”. I had a half cauli left the other day and I cut it into florets and roasted it in the oven with a chopped up Fennel bulb and a couple of red onions after tossing everything in olive oil and sprinkling with Balsamic vinegar.

Celeriac, cut into approx 2cm cubes and boil until tender then mash – this is virtually zilch carbs – if you like add a large spoonful of garlic and herb cream cheese, or boil a couple of garlic cloves with the celeriac and mash together with butter and black pepper (incidentally Celeriac makes fab low carb chips – just prepare as you would potatoes). You can also cut it into large cubes and roast as per roast potatoes. Celeriac also makes delicious soup, garnish with a spoonful of cream and a light sprinkle of dried pepper flakes.

Celery I tend to think of as either a salad ingredient or the ingredient of some sort of stew or soup, however it can be used as a side dish. I cut thick stems in half lengthwise and cut into approx. 2cm chunks. Fry it in a knob of butter, but do not allow it to brown. When it begins to soften add enough chicken or vegetable stock to just cover and bubble to reduce until it’s nice and thick, then add Parmesan cheese. Delicious.

Chicory is something people don’t use a lot, but it’s a very useful addition to salads and I like it cooked too. I cut it in half lengthwise, saute it in a mix of butter and olive oil, just enough to colour the cut side, then pop it into an oven proof dish, insert a sliver of garlic into each piece, drizzle lemon juice over and grate parmesan on top, cook for 20 mins.

Courgettes I have already mentioned, however, try them in a cheese sauce baked in the oven. Or sliced and simply fried with some chopped Tarragon. They also make wonderful fritters that can be served with Tzatziki dip as a snack or starter. Beware though some recipes use flour, but there are some keto recipes for the fritters out there. Try Nigella for a good recipe.

Fennel is another veggie that’s nice sliced raw and added to salads. It’s also great roasted, or add it, thinly sliced to Celeriac Dauphinoise. I cut a thin slice of base off, then slice it from root to stem in 1cm slices, fry it in butter, add chicken or vegetable stock and bubble to reduce then top with finely grated parmesan. It is lovely.

Kale isn’t something I have cooked very much. I did have a recipe that involved Goat’s cheese that I did a few times, but I cannot find it. However just google for recipes or simply stir fry it until lightly wilted.

Kohlrabi, I would certainly try Kohlrabi if I saw any. Unfortunately although now we also have Lidl, the Co-op, a small ASDA, Sainsbury and Morrison I still haven’t seen any Kohlrabi on sale! Ergo I have not cooked it. However apparently this versatile vegetable can be roasted, steamed, stir-fried, or puréed in a soup. For a simple side dish, sauté the sliced kohlrabi in a bit of butter in a skillet. Once it begins to show some caramelization, season it with salt, nutmeg, and a little sugar for increased sweetness. Continue cooking until slightly al dente, with a bit of crispness, and serve it immediately.

Leeks I love, any way you like to cook them. I love them done in cheese sauce, it’s somehow a comfort food, but of course they make wonderful soup (unhappily my favourite Vichysoisse isn’t so diabetically friendly as it includes potato), but they add a great lift to other dishes. Sometimes cut them into thin slices and saute them in butter, they’re delicious that way. However, if you Google Keto Leek recipes you will find lots and lots of ways to cook them.

Lettuce isn’t normally thought of as a vegetable, but you can actually cook it. Sometimes when my vegetable drawer is looking sad I’ll find a little gem lettuce lurking there. Fry a chopped onion in butter until soft (or if you have spring onions they are even better) Quarter the lettuce, add to the pan and sear it lightly, add chicken or veggie stock and braise lightly, add frozen peas and whatever fresh or dried herbs you have to hand. A squirt of lemon juice et voila... a really different side dish. The French call it “Petit Pois a la Francaise” as if they invented it! LOL!
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Mange tout or “Sugar Snap” peas go great in any stir fry. I first came across them in the Farmers Market in Seale in the early 80s and brought some home, they were a great novelty then, but now they’re commonly found everywhere. I prefer the fatter Sugar Snaps to the Mange Tout variety and I like to add them warm to a salad in summer, along with a few warm green beans and Asparagus spears and maybe one or two tiny warm new potatoes sliced into quarters. Somehow they make a salad into more of a meal.

Marrow – often served stuffed with meat or other mixtures, but I still like it how my Mum used to serve it, in a bechamel sauce with lots of black pepper. Unfortunately hubby doesn’t like it, so we don’t often have it. Apparently if you only boil it until it’s slightly underdone you can then fry it in butter and it tastes really rich. I haven’t tried that – ummmm now there’s an idea!

Mooli now oddly I did get some of this in Tesco locally, it was reduced (or I wouldn’t have bought it at the original price) so I got it to see what it was. I then looked up recipes.... and discovered that it was usually used in Indian cooking. I put it into a veggie curry and it was very nice, but the curry flavour disguised whatever the Mooli tasted of. I guessed it was one of those things you can use as a filler, but at £1 a go it was a bit expensive for what it was. Apparently you can braise it. Add 350ml water, the ginger, miso paste, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, mirin and sugar. Mix until combined, put the lid on and simmer for 30 to 40 mins. I’d love to hear from anyone who knows a better idea for this veg

Mushrooms – ah now here’s a versatile veggie! Minced mushrooms (with minced carrots and celery) can bulk out Beef or Lamb mince for a Shepherd’s pie, Bolognaise or Chilli. I like to quarter closed cup mushrooms, saute them in a little oil and then add a large tbs of cream cheese with garlic and herbs for a quick garlic mushroom side dish. The large field mushrooms are great just wiped, sprayed with oil and put onto a baking sheet, top with garlic and herb cheese, or blue cheese and bake 10 mins. Waaay back in the 90s I invented “Stilton Mushrooms” which were a great hit on our Restaurant menu as a starter. So much so that some guests wrote to New York Gourmet Magazine and my recipe got published! I still have the magazine! Basically, take a 300g punnet of closed cup mushrooms, saute in oil with 2 large cloves of garlic chopped. When they are soft add a good dollop of double cream. Top with crumbled or sliced Slton (the riper the better and if you can include some of the “skin” of the Stilton all the nicer). Place in a hottish oven for approx 10 mins and serve with chunks of French bread – second thoughts, the bread may not be so good for diabetics, so eat the sauce with a spoon! Serves 2.

Dried mushrooms can be a great addion to give a gravy, sauce or casserole a lovely rich depth. Soak them in boiling water for about 15 mins, get them out, give them a squeeze and chop them. Use the soaking water to add to the stock or sauce. They are brilliant in a Beef and Mushroom casserole or pie.

Okra – another veg not beloved of Penzance Tesco, but I have used it in veggie curries and so on when I lived in a metropolis that had Asian shops nearby. I just wouldn’t pay the premium price when it appears in the local Tesco on the odd occasion.

Onions – everyone knows what to do with onions – priceless ingredient in just about every dish going, but rarely thought of as a vegetable in their own right. I find them wonderful in roasted veggie dishes, parcularly red onions, but raw onions can be used in salads (specially the red variety). Whole onions can be roasted and are really delicious. Just cut off the root end and peel the onions, set them in an oven proof dish and pour a little water into the bottom of the dish. Drizzle melted butter and a tbs of balsamic vinegar over each onion and bake for approx 40 mins until really tender. Or use them as a “trivet” under the Sunday roast and eat the resulting sweet and delicious onions with your roast. If you wish, use an apple corer to take the centre of the onion out and fill them with a stuffing made of minced veggies. I used to use bread-type stuffing but I’m afraid that’s not good for diabetics. Alternatively stuff them with good quality sausage meat to accompany roast Chicken or Turkey.

Parsnips – now I love Parsnips but unfortunately they are one of the vegetables that’s higher in carbs. Perhaps best avoided but YMMV.

Peas – Another veg to be handled with caution! However I find Sugar Snap and Mange tout to be easier on the BGs and both veggies do very well in stir fries, or simply steamed.

Peppers – of any colour are gorgeous roasted with a splash of balsamic vinegar, or as an ingredient for any stir fry, roasted veggie dish or veggie curry. Stuffed peppers are a great vegetarian dish, or you can use minced meat or sausagemeat to fill them. I also like red and yellow peppers just raw as a salad ingredient. Pepperonata is a gorgeous side dish. Use any colour of pepper except green, which are too bitter for this dish. Slice an onion, fry it, add 3 cloves of garlic chopped and fry. Slice de-seeded peppers into thin slices and add to the pan. When so add 1 cup passata (sieved tomatoes – available in any supermarket), cover and place over a low heat for 30 mins, stirring occasionally. When cooked season to taste and add a good splash of balsamic vinegar.

Pumpkin – Treat as per Buernut Squash. Spray with oil and roast, it can then be mashed to make a lovely thick, satisfying mash, specially with roasted garlic. Pumpkin also makes a wonderful rich creamy soup. I hesitate to add links as they go out of date and disappear somemes, so do Google for recipes.

Shallots – Brilliant in any kind of stew or anywhere you’d use onions, but I love caramelised shallots, however these days sugar is a “no no” therefore when I saw this recipe in this month’s BBC Good Food mag I got quite excited and I shall certainly be trying it out. Simply peel shallots and leave them whole, heat 3 tbs oil and fry them over a high heat until golden, drain off and throw away the oil. Add 15g butter, bay leaves and some thyme sprigs, cook another 5 mins before adding 500ml stock. Cook until shallots are tender and sauce is reduced and sticky. Enjoy with roast beef!

Spinach – can be very versatile, I like it lightly stir fried with a few raisins and some pine nuts. For a Florentine fish dish, place 3 or 4 good handfuls of fresh Spinach in an ovenproof dish, lay 2 fish fillets on top (I like Salmon, but Cod or any firm fleshed fish will do just as well), pour over cheese sauce and top with grated cheese. Bake in a medium oven about 20 mins or until the dish is golden and bubbling. However fresh spinach is lovely on its own, simply wilted in any splash of oil and then add a good splash of cream and lots of black pepper. On the other hand I use it in lots of dishes. I like Mary Berry’s spinach and sausagemeat Lasagne. If you are low carbing you can get low carb Lasagna, or use a sliced roast aubergine as Lasagne.

Spring onions – Most obviously used in salads. I like them chopped up and mixed with canned Tuna and Mayo. They’re also brilliant in stir fries and Chinese dishes or Thai Curries.

Swede – As menoned at the beginning of this article they’re brilliant boiled and mashed with carrot(love mine pureed) but l’ve tried the Creamy Neeps recipe from Delicious Mag. As @klTrophywench said “Well it’s really Swede Gratin Dauphinoise isn’t it?” Yes, actually, but whatever you call it it’s absolutely delicious! There’s plenty for four, yum! I used one of those logs of Goat’s cheese that LidL sell. The advantage of Delicious and Good Food magazines is that nearly all the recipes are carb-counted.

Sweetcorn – I have been caught out by this vegetable more than once. My advice would be “avoid it”. Even if Sweetcorn Fritters really are gorgeous they aren’t worth the spike you’re going to get, but YMMV!

Tomatoes – Canned tomatoes are useful ingredients in many dishes and actually aren’t too bad at around 3g carb per 100g. Fresh tomatoes can be cooked too, I like to put a little slit in cherry tomatoes and fry them with some garlic or roast the cherry tomatoes on the vine. Just toss in oil and put in the oven for about 20 minutes. They are so sweet when just barely charred. Recently I’ve made lots of roasted tomato and red pepper soup for lunches.

Turnip – see Swede. On the other hand if you can get baby Turnips they are tender and delicious on their own. Try boiling them until just tender and then toss in a dressing that you make by roasting a whole garlic bulb for about 20 – 25 minutes, squeeze the garlic out and pound it to a paste, add chopped capers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar with some chopped parsley, stir together and pour the dressing over the warm turnips.

Water Chestnuts – I love these added to stir fries cos they give a lovely crunch. I usually use about half a tin to serve 2 and cut each in half across the middle so as to make 2 thin disks.

That’s it really, but if you have any suggestions please let me know via the forum and I will be pleased to include them and give you a credit

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Some of the listed foods cause spikes for me so do be sure to check your reaction.
I notice you have missed out Celeriac.
Celeriac is the perfect substitute for potatoes and does everything a potato can do but with a tiny fraction of the carbs. It is available at most supermarkets and has the benefit of being one of those veg that sit in the fridge for a very long time before they go off as long as you cover the cut side to stop it turning brown.
I use it to make chips, crisps, mash, and I use it in stews etc exactly as I would use potato.
Mange tout or “Sugar Snap” peas go great in any stir fry. I first came across them in the Farmers Market in Seattle in the early 80s and brought some home, they were a great novelty then, but now they’re commonly found everywhere. I prefer the fatter Sugar Snaps to the Mange Tout variety and I like to add them warm to a salad in summer, along with a few warm green beans and Asparagus spears and maybe one or two tiny warm new potatoes sliced into quarters. Somehow they make a salad into more of a meal.

Marrow – often served stuffed with meat or other mixtures, but I still like it how my Mum used to serve it, in a bechamel sauce with lots of black pepper. Unfortunately hubby doesn’t like it, so we don’t often have it. Apparently if you only boil it until it’s slightly underdone you can then fry it in butter and it tastes really rich. I haven’t tried that – ummmm now there’s an idea!

Mooli now oddly I did get some of this in Tesco locally, it was reduced (or I wouldn’t have bought it at the original price) so I got it to see what it was. I then looked up recipes…. and discovered that it was usually used in Indian cooking. I put it into a veggie curry and it was very nice, but the curry flavour disguised whatever the Mooli tasted of. I guessed it was one of those things you can use as a filler, but at £1 a go it was a bit expensive for what it was. I’d love to hear from anyone who knows a better idea for this veg.

Mushrooms – ah now here’s a versatile veggie! Minced mushrooms (with minced carrots and celery) can bulk out Beef or Lamb mince for a Shepherd’s pie, Bolognaise or Chilli. I like to quarter closed cup mushrooms, sautee them in a little oil and then add a large tbs of cream cheese with garlic and herbs for a quick garlic mushroom side dish. The large field mushrooms are great just wiped, sprayed with oil and put onto a baking sheet, top with garlic and herb cheese, or blue cheese and bake 10 mins. Waaay back in the 90s I invented “Stilton Mushrooms” which were a great hit on our Restaurant menu as a starter. So much so that some guests wrote to New York Gourmet Magazine and my recipe got published! I still have the magazine! Basically, take a 300g punnet of closed cup mushrooms, sautee in oil with 2 large cloves of garlic chopped. When they are soft add a good dollop of double cream. Top with crumbled or sliced Stilton (the riper the better and if you can include some of the “skin” of the Stilton all the nicer). Place in a hottish oven for approx 10 mins and serve with chunks of French bread – second thoughts, the bread may not be so good for diabetics, so eat the sauce with a spoon! Serves 2.

Dried mushrooms can be a great addition to give a gravy, sauce or casserole a lovely rich depth. Soak them in boiling water for about 15 mins, get them out, give them a squeeze and chop them. Use the soaking water to add to the stock or sauce. They are brilliant in a Beef and Mushroom casserole or pie.

Okra – another veg not beloved of Penzance Tesco, but I have used it in veggie curries and so on when I lived in a metropolis that had Asian shops nearby. I just wouldn’t pay the premium price when it appears in the local Tesco on the odd occasion.

Onions – everyone knows what to do with onions – priceless ingredient in just about every dish going, but rarely thought of as a vegetable in their own right. I find them wonderful in roasted veggie dishes, particularly red onions, but raw onions can be used in salads (specially the red variety). Whole onions can be roasted and are really delicious. Just cut off the root end and peel the onions, set them in an oven proof dish and pour a little water into the bottom of the dish. Drizzle melted butter and a tbs of balsamic vinegar over each onion and bake for approx 40 mins until really tender. If you wish, use an apple corer to take the centre of the onion out and fill them with a stuffing made of minced veggies. I used to use bread-type stuffing but I’m afraid that’s not good for diabetics. Alternatively stuff them with good quality sausage meat to accompany roast Chicken or Turkey.

Parsnips – now I love Parsnips but unfortunately they are one of the vegetables that’s higher in carbs. Perhaps best avoided but YMMV.

Peas – Another veg to be handled with caution! However I find Sugar Snap and Mange tout to be easier on the BGs and both veggies do very well in stir fries, or simply steamed.

Peppers – of any colour are gorgeous roasted with a splash of balsamic vinegar, or as an ingredient for any stir fry, roasted veggie dish or veggie curry. Stuffed peppers are a great vegetarian dish, or you can use minced meat or sausagemeat to fill them. I also like red and yellow peppers just raw as a salad ingredient.

Pumpkin – Treat as per Butternut Squash. Spray with oil and roast, it can then be mashed to make a lovely thick, satisfying mash, specially with roasted garlic. Pumpkin also makes a wonderful rich creamy soup. Here’s a recipe that I have used before and the ginger really made it interesting. I seem to remember I used about 3 times the amount in the recipe.

Shallots – Brilliant in any kind of stew or anywhere you’d use onions, but I love caramellised shallots, however these days sugar is a “no no” therefore when I saw this recipe in this month’s BBC Good Food mag I got quite excited and I shall certainly be trying it out. Simply peel shallots and leave them whole, heat 3 tbs oil and fry them over a high heat until golden, drain off and throw away the oil. Add 15g butter, bay leaves and some thyme sprigs, cook another 5 mins before adding 500ml stock. Cook until shallots are tender and sauce is reduced and sticky. Enjoy with roast beef!

Spinach – can be very versatile, I like it lightly stir fried with a few raisins and some pine nuts. For a Florentine fish dish, place 3 or 4 good handfuls of fresh Spinach in an ovenproof dish, lay 2 fish fillets on top (I like Salmon, but Cod or any firm fleshed fish will do just as well), pour over cheese sauce and top with grated cheese. Bake in a medium oven about 20 mins or until the dish is golden and bubbling. As a side dish, or even a vegetarian dish try this Sweet Potato and Spinach bake , you could reduce the carbs further by using Celeriac instead of sweet potatoes, or even sliced Butternut Squash.

Spring onions – Most obviously used in salads. I like them chopped up and mixed with canned Tuna and Mayo. They’re also brilliant in stir fries and Chinese dishes or Thai Curries.

Swede – As mentioned at the beginning of this article they’re brilliant boiled and mashed with carrot (love mine pureed) but last night I tried the “Creamy Neeps” recipe from Delicious Mag. As Sedge said “Well it’s really Swede Gratin Dauphinoise isn’t it?” Yes, actually, but whatever you call it it is absolutely delicious! There’s half left over for tonight to have with our Roast Beef, yum! I used one of those logs of Goat’s cheese that LidL sell. It would be better to say I used it up, since it had languished in the fridge since Xmas and definitely needed using up!

Sweetcorn – I have been caught out by this vegetable more than once. My advice would be avoid it, even if Sweetcorn Fritters really are gorgeous they aren’t worth the spike you’re going to get.

Tomatoes – Canned tomatoes are useful ingredients in many dishes and actually aren’t too bad at around 3g carb per 100g. Try these Oven Roasted Tomatoes to accompany meat or fish.

Turnip – see Swede. On the other hand if you can get baby Turnips they are tender and delicious on their own. Try boiling them until just tender and then toss in a dressing that you make by roasting a whole garlic bulb for about 20 – 25 minutes, squeeze the garlic out and pound it to a paste, add chopped capers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar with some chopped parsley, stir together and pour the dressing over the warm turnips.

Water Chestnuts – I love these added to stir fries cos they give a lovely crunch. I usually use about half a tin to serve 2 and cut each in half across the middle so as to make 2 thin disks.
That’s it really, but if you have any suggestions please let me know via the forum and I will be pleased to include them and give you a credit.

good insights...
Some really great ideas there, I know I need to eat more vegetables
Thanks for posting
It's true Patti hasn't mentioned celeriac as a separate thing on its own - but does mention it any number of times along the way!
I notice you have missed out Celeriac.

I’ve copied the bit in the intro into the A-Z, in case people skip down past the opening section. Hopefully this will make it clearer 🙂
I’ve copied the bit in the intro into the A-Z, in case people kip down past the opening section. Hopefully this will make it clearer 🙂
Oh another idea - I have found adding radishes into stew works really well. They are lovely cooked into stew or chinese stir fries and almost no carbs.
Some of the listed foods cause spikes for me so do be sure to check your reaction.
As we always say YMMV or "your mileage may vary" and it's wise to check your reactions to different foods as what may suit one may not suit another.

Yes, Celeriac is very much one of my "go to" veg for substitutes.

Actually although I recall giving permission for DUK to post it, I was unaware that it had actually been posted. When reading it please remember I wrote it well over 15 years ago and have probably cooked a lot of veg in lots of new ways since then. I had to laugh at the references to Tesco Penzance in there.... back when it was more or less the only supermarket we could access. We now have Lidl, Morrisons, Aldi and Sainsburys and much more variety of veggies available!

I was given a copy of Sabrina Ghayour's Simply as a Christmas present a couple of years ago and it was a revelation of how to make exciting veggies dishes quite simply. I must have a look at the Bosh books. We're not vegetarians but I suspect there will be some side dishes worthy of cooking.
Mange tout or “Sugar Snap” peas go great in any stir fry. I first came across them in the Farmers Market in Seattle in the early 80s and brought some home, they were a great novelty then, but now they’re commonly found everywhere. I prefer the fatter Sugar Snaps to the Mange Tout variety and I like to add them warm to a salad in summer, along with a few warm green beans and Asparagus spears and maybe one or two tiny warm new potatoes sliced into quarters. Somehow they make a salad into more of a meal.

Marrow – often served stuffed with meat or other mixtures, but I still like it how my Mum used to serve it, in a bechamel sauce with lots of black pepper. Unfortunately hubby doesn’t like it, so we don’t often have it. Apparently if you only boil it until it’s slightly underdone you can then fry it in butter and it tastes really rich. I haven’t tried that – ummmm now there’s an idea!

Mooli now oddly I did get some of this in Tesco locally, it was reduced (or I wouldn’t have bought it at the original price) so I got it to see what it was. I then looked up recipes…. and discovered that it was usually used in Indian cooking. I put it into a veggie curry and it was very nice, but the curry flavour disguised whatever the Mooli tasted of. I guessed it was one of those things you can use as a filler, but at £1 a go it was a bit expensive for what it was. I’d love to hear from anyone who knows a better idea for this veg.

Mushrooms – ah now here’s a versatile veggie! Minced mushrooms (with minced carrots and celery) can bulk out Beef or Lamb mince for a Shepherd’s pie, Bolognaise or Chilli. I like to quarter closed cup mushrooms, sautee them in a little oil and then add a large tbs of cream cheese with garlic and herbs for a quick garlic mushroom side dish. The large field mushrooms are great just wiped, sprayed with oil and put onto a baking sheet, top with garlic and herb cheese, or blue cheese and bake 10 mins. Waaay back in the 90s I invented “Stilton Mushrooms” which were a great hit on our Restaurant menu as a starter. So much so that some guests wrote to New York Gourmet Magazine and my recipe got published! I still have the magazine! Basically, take a 300g punnet of closed cup mushrooms, sautee in oil with 2 large cloves of garlic chopped. When they are soft add a good dollop of double cream. Top with crumbled or sliced Stilton (the riper the better and if you can include some of the “skin” of the Stilton all the nicer). Place in a hottish oven for approx 10 mins and serve with chunks of French bread – second thoughts, the bread may not be so good for diabetics, so eat the sauce with a spoon! Serves 2.

Dried mushrooms can be a great addition to give a gravy, sauce or casserole a lovely rich depth. Soak them in boiling water for about 15 mins, get them out, give them a squeeze and chop them. Use the soaking water to add to the stock or sauce. They are brilliant in a Beef and Mushroom casserole or pie.

Okra – another veg not beloved of Penzance Tesco, but I have used it in veggie curries and so on when I lived in a metropolis that had Asian shops nearby. I just wouldn’t pay the premium price when it appears in the local Tesco on the odd occasion.

Onions – everyone knows what to do with onions – priceless ingredient in just about every dish going, but rarely thought of as a vegetable in their own right. I find them wonderful in roasted veggie dishes, particularly red onions, but raw onions can be used in salads (specially the red variety). Whole onions can be roasted and are really delicious. Just cut off the root end and peel the onions, set them in an oven proof dish and pour a little water into the bottom of the dish. Drizzle melted butter and a tbs of balsamic vinegar over each onion and bake for approx 40 mins until really tender. If you wish, use an apple corer to take the centre of the onion out and fill them with a stuffing made of minced veggies. I used to use bread-type stuffing but I’m afraid that’s not good for diabetics. Alternatively stuff them with good quality sausage meat to accompany roast Chicken or Turkey.

Parsnips – now I love Parsnips but unfortunately they are one of the vegetables that’s higher in carbs. Perhaps best avoided but YMMV.

Peas – Another veg to be handled with caution! However I find Sugar Snap and Mange tout to be easier on the BGs and both veggies do very well in stir fries, or simply steamed.

Peppers – of any colour are gorgeous roasted with a splash of balsamic vinegar, or as an ingredient for any stir fry, roasted veggie dish or veggie curry. Stuffed peppers are a great vegetarian dish, or you can use minced meat or sausagemeat to fill them. I also like red and yellow peppers just raw as a salad ingredient.

Pumpkin – Treat as per Butternut Squash. Spray with oil and roast, it can then be mashed to make a lovely thick, satisfying mash, specially with roasted garlic. Pumpkin also makes a wonderful rich creamy soup. Here’s a recipe that I have used before and the ginger really made it interesting. I seem to remember I used about 3 times the amount in the recipe.

Shallots – Brilliant in any kind of stew or anywhere you’d use onions, but I love caramellised shallots, however these days sugar is a “no no” therefore when I saw this recipe in this month’s BBC Good Food mag I got quite excited and I shall certainly be trying it out. Simply peel shallots and leave them whole, heat 3 tbs oil and fry them over a high heat until golden, drain off and throw away the oil. Add 15g butter, bay leaves and some thyme sprigs, cook another 5 mins before adding 500ml stock. Cook until shallots are tender and sauce is reduced and sticky. Enjoy with roast beef!

Spinach – can be very versatile, I like it lightly stir fried with a few raisins and some pine nuts. For a Florentine fish dish, place 3 or 4 good handfuls of fresh Spinach in an ovenproof dish, lay 2 fish fillets on top (I like Salmon, but Cod or any firm fleshed fish will do just as well), pour over cheese sauce and top with grated cheese. Bake in a medium oven about 20 mins or until the dish is golden and bubbling. As a side dish, or even a vegetarian dish try this Sweet Potato and Spinach bake , you could reduce the carbs further by using Celeriac instead of sweet potatoes, or even sliced Butternut Squash.

Spring onions – Most obviously used in salads. I like them chopped up and mixed with canned Tuna and Mayo. They’re also brilliant in stir fries and Chinese dishes or Thai Curries.

Swede – As mentioned at the beginning of this article they’re brilliant boiled and mashed with carrot (love mine pureed) but last night I tried the “Creamy Neeps” recipe from Delicious Mag. As Sedge said “Well it’s really Swede Gratin Dauphinoise isn’t it?” Yes, actually, but whatever you call it it is absolutely delicious! There’s half left over for tonight to have with our Roast Beef, yum! I used one of those logs of Goat’s cheese that LidL sell. It would be better to say I used it up, since it had languished in the fridge since Xmas and definitely needed using up!

Sweetcorn – I have been caught out by this vegetable more than once. My advice would be avoid it, even if Sweetcorn Fritters really are gorgeous they aren’t worth the spike you’re going to get.

Tomatoes – Canned tomatoes are useful ingredients in many dishes and actually aren’t too bad at around 3g carb per 100g. Try these Oven Roasted Tomatoes to accompany meat or fish.

Turnip – see Swede. On the other hand if you can get baby Turnips they are tender and delicious on their own. Try boiling them until just tender and then toss in a dressing that you make by roasting a whole garlic bulb for about 20 – 25 minutes, squeeze the garlic out and pound it to a paste, add chopped capers, olive oil and balsamic vinegar with some chopped parsley, stir together and pour the dressing over the warm turnips.

Water Chestnuts – I love these added to stir fries cos they give a lovely crunch. I usually use about half a tin to serve 2 and cut each in half across the middle so as to make 2 thin disks.
That’s it really, but if you have any suggestions please let me know via the forum and I will be pleased to include them and give you a credit.

Many thanks for this, it's superb!
Ah.. I must re-write it!
Really helpful than you !!!! In in Herts so no excuse not to see what Lidl Aldi Morrisons Tescos all have on the shelves
I have now re-written the first post in this thread and sent it to Admin. I'll work on the 2nd half as soon as I can find time.
I have now re-written the first post in this thread and sent it to Admin. I'll work on the 2nd half as soon as I can find time.

Thanks so much Patti! I’ve added your updated ‘section 1’ above.
Actually I have never heard of them @JonathanGi , I googled them and they look a bit like celery. What do you do with them and where do you get them?
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