That's the cost of living crisis solved.

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Well, for MP's it is.

I wonder which group will be next, Lords or firemen?

I have often been alone in my support of government money saving policies such as freezing pay, after all we in the private sector have had to endure it. However how can any MP collect this pay award and still claim they represent the people.

For me they can't and I will be watching very closely when it happens to see if any have the decency to hand it back.
They've been put in an 'interesting' position. I'd be interested to know how many actually 'need' it because they can't manage on the ?66k they get currently (along with all of their personal wealth in many cases, plus other interests). Maybe if more of them had to 'struggle' on what they were paid it would give them a greater appetite for pursuing the tax-dodging elite? 🙄
I work in the public sector. My family and I haven't had a holiday abroad for 9 years and no real holiday to speak of for at least 5 years. My pay has been frozen and our pay rise capped to 1% for the last 4 years and I'm pretty sure it's still capped this year. Most people are under the impression that us civil servants earn big money. I don't even earn anywhere near ?20,00 per year but know of someone on benefits who gets ?24,000 per year. My colleagues and I work at the coal face dealing with the public and take a lot of flack for doing the job that David Cameron says we need to do. I don't get to claim expenses and no-one sends a car for me to get me to work every day. My annual travel pass costs me ?921.00 a year. My rent and council tax go up every year, food prices are soaring and frequently we find ourselves struggling to get by. We're all in this together?? My backside we are.....if I and my colleagues are capped at 1%, MP's should be capped too!! 😡
A staggering pay increase given the circumstances of the country😡
They've been put in an 'interesting' position. I'd be interested to know how many actually 'need' it because they can't manage on the ?66k they get currently (along with all of their personal wealth in many cases, plus other interests). Maybe if more of them had to 'struggle' on what they were paid it would give them a greater appetite for pursuing the tax-dodging elite? 🙄

Interesting position indeed, I am absolutely disgusted that this is even being considered. They are saying it is an IPSA decision well I wonder who IPSA are and who they report to.

As a bonus I will award 10 internet points to the person that can tell us how many people are employed by IPSA, an organisation that looks after the expenses of 650 ish MP's.
Suggest that (like I've just done), you send e-mails to your MP, the PM and Leader of the Opposition, letting them know how you feel. It only took me a few minutes to do.

We shouldn't forget that silence is often taken to denote assent; a very heavy negative inbox might make give at least some of them pause for thought.

I also intend to give the canvassers (of all parties) a very rough ride when it comes to them coming around again to my door to ask for my vote (under the pretext of 'asking for my opinion'.)
Suggest that (like I've just done), you send e-mails to your MP, the PM and Leader of the Opposition, letting them know how you feel. It only took me a few minutes to do.

We shouldn't forget that silence is often taken to denote assent; a very heavy negative inbox might make give at least some of them pause for thought.

I also intend to give the canvassers (of all parties) a very rough ride when it comes to them coming around again to my door to ask for my vote (under the pretext of 'asking for my opinion'.)

My problem here is that we have Jack dromey who was "parachuted into our safe seat" because he is married to Harriet Harmon. I am totally against that kind of nepotism, it wouldn't have been so bad but I think he got the seat before even knowing where it was.

Sending him a complaint would be recognising his position, which hurts me more than MP's pay lol.

Oh and there are 80 people working at ipsa.
That still leaves Cameron, Clegg & Miliband, though.
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