That was a 1st

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After pumping for almost 12 years I had my first and hopefully last infected site.

Woke up at a high 8 this morning walked Milly for an hour and came back to a 13 😱 Made a very basic rookie mistake by not changing out my set and by lunchtime I had gone up to 16.4 which is massively high for me and a very rare event.
Took Milly out at 1pm for her walk and fell asleep after, waking up to a 16.9 even with 100%+ basal and a correction.
So after a light bulb moment I changed my set and pus galore oozed out of the site.

I found it most odd that there was no pain and no sign of infection what so ever.

Now sitting at 4.4 and feeling a lot healthier thank goodness.

Lesson learnt me thinks.
Have never had that in more than 16yrs of a pump. Pleased your on the right side now 🙂
I didn't know that could happen. I am in awe of how Type 1's manage their condition. I hope I never get Type 1, I can't even manage Type 2. :( Glad you are okay now.
Glad that you sorted it and levels are back down.
There are so many factors to account for, and it is easy to miss the pump bits and bobs.
Glad you thought to change the site and hat you are back at better levels now Sue.
Why on earth - how?- does that happen Sue ? I mean yeah it's a foreign body stuck in us but they're sposed to be sterile and sealed until then. Milly didn't give it a friendly lick did she?
Why on earth - how?- does that happen Sue ? I mean yeah it's a foreign body stuck in us but they're sposed to be sterile and sealed until then. Milly didn't give it a friendly lick did she?
Gawd I hope not her taste buds leave a lot to be desired at the best of times 😱
I was talking to Nurses at Uni the other week & everything is on your mind a lot of the time being T1. At times before the pump , Have I injected or what carbs ? Head Spinning ? Better these days ? 😉
Well things seem to be a lot better this morning blood sugar wise woke up to a 5,2 which is more in keeping to what I am used to.
Very tired though and out of sorts so I'm having a day off from attempting to decorate the lounge.

I really don't know what happened or why, all I can do is put it down to a lesson well learnt and to check site first and just assume it was just a case of not being as diligent as I should have been when cleaning area before insertion.
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