That Daily Shower Can Be a Killer

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The other morning, I escaped unscathed from a dangerous situation. No, an armed robber didn?t break into my house, nor did I find myself face to face with a mountain lion during my bird walk. What I survived was my daily shower.

You see, falls are a common cause of death in older people like me. (I?m 75.) Among my wife?s and my circle of close friends over the age of 70, one became crippled for life, one broke a shoulder and one broke a leg in falls on the sidewalk. One fell down the stairs, and another may not survive a recent fall.

?Really!? you may object. ?What?s my risk of falling in the shower? One in a thousand?? My answer: Perhaps, but that?s not nearly good enough.
Hee Hee - interesting take on it !
Standing on one leg to put a sock on the other foot can also be dangerous particularly when you are also standing on a futon
Daft though this may sound, way back in the late 1960s when I worked for an insurance company which underwrote Personal Accident cover, it was always said privately and cynically, that as the vast majority of accidents occur in the home, the fact that you went sky-diving at weekends probably wouldn't actually significantly change your chances of claiming !

But you expected to pay extra, soooooo ......
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