Thankyou for replies. Apologies so long

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
My Hb1C was 41 in June then 36 end of August so i am under just

But i have eaten stacks of carbs today crazy amount say 100 ! Constantly hungry. Then i feel better loads energy. Still awake at 3 a.m Not tired. But my sugar readings then were 5.7. I took my bedtime medication which makes me sleep took ages to work. 1 hr later i went to bed still not tired but drifted off .i woke 2 hrs later at 6!! still wide awake and sugars 5 5 . I check them and for the amiunt i eat sometimes they come down very quick and often now 4 7 or 5, Its like my insulin works but they dont get sugar into cells so all hyped and wide awake . I also have bad gastritis and ate a lot of fat in the carbs i.e cheese ham which i never usually tough . Id all eaten some chicken and green veg. Yesterday i had nothing to eat until 4 as we were out all day which left me no choice as we had to get to station , but only place open was mcdonalds . I never eat them but kids did and i was hungry a lot so had cheeseburger and chips felt ok .then at 6 i was hungry again!! I had a croissant large with ham and cheese, which id bought too at station as i dudnt feel like cooking at 6 and was tired walking alk around Buck Palace etc ages. I sat down about 8 and of course i felt full up as had fatty food which is not good for my gastritis, but i was soo tired i kept nearly falling aslèep. I managed to get to bed at 12 and my sugars were 4.7 and as soon as i took my usual med i was even more sleepy and zonked straight out . But yesterday was weird eaten porridge then later so hungry and scoffed 4 croissants ham cheese in 2 as i kept putting them away but hungry all time and then my chicken and green veg dinner then a high carb big rice pudding then as i said still wide awake at 3 45 as my med id raken an hour before didn't till i went to bed at 3 44 waking 2 hrs later at 6 and still feel full and hyped awake i had a Gastric emptying study in June and said was normal. I know fat can take long tine to digest and I shouldn't eat much with GERD .so maybe food prevented med frim working or im worried i am producing too much insulin or something . I do fall asleep a lot if eaten cornflakes etc. My sugars never reach past 12 but are always 5s a lot it seems i scared ive something not right. Im just constantky hungry sometimes sweat . I know i shouldnt be doing alll this as gor to 36 hb1c and just bombarding my body i still cant put on weight and have actually lost some had an mri November and all was normal and g i sees me again in in 6 months to discuss my stomach and how i feeling etc.. .i get anxious and irritable . So last night sugars 5 7, at 3.30. At 6 5.5 abd at 9 am 4 8 . It feels like ive sugar in blood by the losds but not going anyway to fat . I worried its my pancreas producing too much. They wont do another scan etc cos i asked g.i
I apoligise for long post but i am quite anxious now . Maybe my med isnt so good but its been ok till now. Thankyou p.s i am not peeiing all the time or extremely thirsty. I do blost on the foods. I also did a home microbiome stool test and it says sugar in poop but my gp said that nothing to worry about.
Remember in people who are not diabetic their blood glucose varies throughout the day and night so they can see big variations depending on lots of factors.
Your HbA1C is now in the normal range so maybe your body is acting like normal. However, you don't say what medication you are taking as if it is a diabetic medication then it may be too high a dose for your new blood glucose levels and it is 'helping ' too much.
If you want to introduce more carbs then some strategic testing might help you do that wisely, so look for a max of 8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
It is hard for people to advice without know a bit more about your meds and diagnosis and what you have been doing to get your HbA1C to where it is.
Remember in people who are not diabetic their blood glucose varies throughout the day and night so they can see big variations depending on lots of factors.
Your HbA1C is now in the normal range so maybe your body is acting like normal. However, you don't say what medication you are taking as if it is a diabetic medication then it may be too high a dose for your new blood glucose levels and it is 'helping ' too much.
If you want to introduce more carbs then some strategic testing might help you do that wisely, so look for a max of 8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
It is hard for people to advice without know a bit more about your meds and diagnosis and what you have been doing to get your HbA1C to where it is.
No not diabetic meds. 2 bp meds and a sleeper..i still fall asleep bloat and once ate fell asleep and 3 hrs latrr after bjg meal they were 9..used to be 12 on just shreddies . But my bowels arent shiftjng and i have slow transit..dont know how i got under prob cos didnt eat much due to.pain from.gastritis ..then i kept waking tired and hungry and constantly ate till.i.was "awake," wasnt like this before..ive had ideopathic pancreatitis 2016. Just found out from a heopatology that all.ok ..usual..but " my hb is mildly.low and is normocytic which i suspect is due to anemia of chronic disease " all else ok..i am waiting a colonoscopy too hopefully..i was concerned pancreas making too much insulin..after abusing it..‍♀️‍♀️
No not diabetic meds. 2 bp meds and a sleeper..i still fall asleep bloat and once ate fell asleep and 3 hrs latrr after bjg meal they were 9..used to be 12 on just shreddies . But my bowels arent shiftjng and i have slow transit..dont know how i got under prob cos didnt eat much due to.pain from.gastritis ..then i kept waking tired and hungry and constantly ate till.i.was "awake," wasnt like this before..ive had ideopathic pancreatitis 2016. Just found out from a heopatology that all.ok ..usual..but " my hb is mildly.low and is normocytic which i suspect is due to anemia of chronic disease " all else ok..i am waiting a colonoscopy too hopefully..i was concerned pancreas making too much insulin..after abusing it..‍♀️‍♀️
This sounds like a complicated situation, but if you are anaemic that can sometimes give erroneous HbA1C results. Taking meds for your gastritis may help your digestive issues but it really is something you need to discuss with your GP.
It could be that if you have had issues with your pancreas in the past it is behaving erratically so is not producing insulin in a controlled way, again something you should discuss with your GP.
You may need to be pushy and if you can collect some data from blood glucose readings with a food diary as evidence of your issues, that may help.
Perhaps because of your stomach problems, you’re not absorbing quite as much of the carbs as you did a few months ago, hence lower sugars? It does sound like you need to push your GP for some support on your gastric problems. It’s very possible that it’s them and anxiety associated with them that’s interfering with your sleep.
Sorry to hear what an anxious time you are having. I can understand why you are worried. The BG levels you have mentioned seem to be in a healthy range - to the feelings you are describing of feeling ‘hyped’ and ‘wide awake‘ don’t seem related to your blood glucose levels?

Because of the complexity of your situation with gastritis, pancreatitis, and anaemia it really sounds like you would benefit from more input from your clinic / GP.
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