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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi just wanted to say how much inspiration i've got from you all and how much getting engrosed in what you all have to say has helped when i've felt low especially over christmas.I'm a single mum with 2 downs syndrome sons 1 at home all the time that only eats cheese mash and tomato sauce & yogurt and 1 that is home at weekends.I find it hard to be motivated to cook healthily just for me so either need suggestions for quick easy meals that i can eat some & freeze some or a good kick up the bum to find my motivation all message boards could stayed glued all night.Jan
hi Jan lovely to hear from you and see you posting I cant imagine what you go through and you must have alot to deal with and cope with, places like this dont really get the recognition they deseve i know we have members on here who do get it on the map but i think this place really does save peoples lifes and it brings us all together in a way no other forum does, keep popping in as much as you can as i knwo your day must be very busy , love to your boys xxx

doing up soups and things like broth can be easy or , maybe over due it on the speg bol or watever and put it in freezer and re heat it again and have with a slice of brown bread if u dnt do garlic bread
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hey you sound like me except replace your downs sons with autism and sensory dysfunction that only eats yellow food guess im here for the same reason need a bit of moral support and a kick up the bum, if you feel anything like i do then i send you *big hugs*
Hi Jan,

Really glad this forum is a help! I'm afraid I'm not much of a cook (we know dinner is ready when I cook generally cos the alarm goes off alas) but my mainstay is a Bolognese base - and basically try & stick as much veg as you can into it. Hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs, but to the usual base of mince, onions & tinned tomatoes I add things like finely diced courgette, mushrooms, grated carrot, etc with a pinch of mixed herbs & a good dollop of tomato puree, plus some garlic if you like it, & simmer for 20 mins or so. Takes a while but you can make a fair bit over what you want immediately & then portion & freeze the excess to dig it out & have it either as a tomato sauce based mince with a jacket spud, on pasta, or even just with rice & other veg etc when you don't want to cook from scratch...sorry that's a bit lame, but it's about as creative as I get in the kitchen! 😱 (I must admit I unashamedly resort to M&S kid's ready meals sometimes - the salt etc is seriously low & there are no additives or the toerag eats them!)

Otherwise on days when I'm really knackered I resort (for myself anyway) to good old beans on toast with some cheese grated over - really really quite & easy but with low GI carbs, protein etc.

I'm sure some of the more culinary-inclined T2s here will be able to give you some better advice!!! In the meantime a big hug to you - I really hope 2010 is a good year for you.

All the best,

Twitchy x
Hi, I'm glad you find the forum so helpful. My little feller will only eat susages choclate and crisps if he's allowed.Mince is great as it is the basis of spag boll and cottage pie. I always bulk my cottage pie out with loads of vege (I get a couple of cottage pie vege mixes from sainsburys, can also get spag bol vege there too).

Things like soups and stews and fish pie are all freezable and you can freez them in portion sizes. Sometimes I make a meal just of vegetables.
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