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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

I just wanted to say a big 'THANKYOU' to you all on here for helping me/A over the past 8 months since diagnosis. I think i 'fell on my feet' when i discovered this forum. I have since looked into a couple of other forums - but they dont compare with the friendliness of this site.:D

Also, i am aware that us mum's/carers etc seem to take up a big section of the questions etc.. but i would just like to have it noted that some of you, i know, dont have children, and some live alone and therefore dont feel the need to divulge much of their personal circumstances (or proud parent moments!). I think if you live alone, your doing brilliantly - it must be hard at times when your having a hypo in the middle of the night - no-one there to fetch things etc. I take my hat off to you all (and those lurkers who dont post). If A ever lives alone when he is older i would like him to be confident enough to cope - just like all you wonderful people on here.🙂

So well done to you all - the help you give to us is imeasurable!(sp?).:D

Bev and A xxx
Hi Bev...

Can I just second whole heartedly what you have just said.....:D

You are all brilliant on here...and have supported both myself and Nathan 110%.

A big THANK YOU, as well from

Heidi and Nathan
I'd like to just say as a person who doesnt have children and lives alone that we all love you and Heidi on here and the place wouldnt be the same without you. :D:D
Hi Bev!

There are things that come along in life that we don't have any choice over, and realistically living alone can be daunting, but you come to terms with it.

Alex and Nathan, plus a number of other children whose parents have been on/around the site are lucky to have such wonderful and caring mothers.

You're preparing your sons and daughters to one day, when they are old enough and ready to take control of their own lives and the condition they've been unfortunate to have.

Your hard work now will be rewarded I am sure, the rebellion of late teenage years, discovery of alcohol, the feeling they're invincible (and yes, at my age, I still wake up and think I don't need my insulin...) will catch them out. But I hope that realising there are many of us type 1's and 2's out here who cope with the condition on a daily basis, year in, year out without too many hitches (says he, crossing fingers, toes and anything else to hand) and that we learn to realise the signs of the condition and manage it.

So, just as you guys inspire us, so it's good to know we can give you hope.
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I'd like to add my thanks too for all the support I get from everyone.

We are each different with our own set of circumstances and experiences, but the friendliness and help is wonderfull, so thank you everyone including Bev!
Einstein, must be feeling sensitive here because you've just made me well up! Guess what you say is what I hope for...

But anyway, wanted to second Bev in this -- I worry that parents/carers sometimes honk away too much on this forum, and feel so thankful for/appreciative of too those who are not parents of t1s (maybe parents living with diabetes themselves of course) or those who live alone/with partners...everyone who is just *coping* and often *thriving* -- those who contribute immeasurably to this forum. I have very little time and even less energy to surf all over the place, and I've tried (briefly) a few other places: but there is a friendliness, a knowledge base, a laugh here I've not found elsewhere. So thank you all.

Thank you back, y'all.

I have also only been a member of this club for under a year, and well, without this forum, who knows where I'd be, mentally and levels wise. I actually haven't really looked for other forums at all, I stumbled into this one and well I guess I'm hooked, a good mix of people, different experiences, advice and everything. Although I must say it's not because of the colour that I'm sticking around!!


thanks back as well , when i first came on here i was in a state of shock and confusion now 4 mnth on this place is a great place of comfort for me xxxxxxx
I dont know if I have been able to contribute at all to the help you are referring to but it has been really nice getting to know you Bev. But also, thank you as well becuase you have been very kind to me. You probably dont realise how much you are actually helping others too.

Lots of love xx
I would also like to say thank you to everyone on this forum.

Although i tend to particularly focus on the other parents inc the pumper parents, i am interested in all of you wonderful people here on the forum. I read many more posts than i comment on, simply because i do not always have anything to add that has not been already said or not enough knowledge to advise.

We are all united by diabetes on this site and I think we are all lucky to have each other as friends. 🙂 xxx 🙂
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