Thank you

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to thank all those people who offered their support to me a wk or so ago.

Am still struggling to keep going and keep myself motivated! The Insulin is creeping up but the BS levels remain the same, don't know what I'm doing wrong but I guess I have to keep trying coz there's nowt else I can do is there?

Anyway before I manage to depress anyone else I'll go, take care all, lv shirl x
Hey Shirl, you're more than welcome! Come here any time and let off steam if it helps! 🙂
There is always so much care & support to be found here...I know there have been times when I have been so down and this forum has been the only place that I could turn for understanding & support.

I too am on Insulin now, and yes, the Insulin creeps up...the numbers remain the same! My DSN tells me this is due to being type 2 and being Insulin resistant...Whatever the reason, it is a constant struggle that, non diabetics, just don't seem able to comprehend! On top of the dreaded D', we all also have other struggles that make coping all the more difficult.

I have felt to give up so many times, I am so tired of the injections and blood testing. The past week I have really let things slide, been feeling so depressed, fed up with cooking, food, blood testing, inject!...I have'nt been watching what I eat and have even had 2 take aways this week....I only would have 2 in a year!

I guess it will be an ongoing struggle, I just hope that one day diabetes will just be a part of my life that I will be able to come to terms with and manage reasonably well, I'm not looking for perfection!

I hope you feel better soon Shirl, take care, Love Ellowyne xXx
You'll get there Ellowyne. Don't feel guilty about letting things slip occasionally, you're only human 🙂 Just make sure you keep in touch with us and let us know how you are feeling so we can try to help you through things.
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