• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm amazed! I only discovered this new message board this evening and have learned lots already!! So a big thankyou!
Same here, felt like ive been on my own, although I knew other diabetics existed!

Found this site today and think its great, it will be really successful and helpful to many.

well done for setting it up!
I'm really enjoying being part of this forum. Everyone is friendly and helpful, I haven't even seen an arguement yet!
I'm really enjoying being part of this forum. Everyone is friendly and helpful, I haven't even seen an arguement yet!

absolutely, I've belonged to a few diabetes forums in the past and they always seem to descend into arguements really quickly, usually some sort of t1 v t2 thing which always seems totally bizarre to me, last thing we need to be doing is turning on each other! Hope we keep the friendliness up!!!
absolutely, I've belonged to a few diabetes forums in the past and they always seem to descend into arguements really quickly, usually some sort of t1 v t2 thing which always seems totally bizarre to me, last thing we need to be doing is turning on each other! Hope we keep the friendliness up!!!

I wholeheartedly agree. This T1 v T2 is a load of nonsense. For whatever reason, it is diabetes.
I have already learned so much from this forum.

Been quite a lot of Doctor 'bashing' - they are people like the rest of us with their strengths, weaknesses and family pressures. It is so easy to criticise but it is good to see quite a lot of praise here
Thank-you all :eek:)

This is exactly what I wanted to do with the forum - I am so, so pleased you are getting the most out of it, we are building our 'community' and sharing our experiences and providing support. I am so glad T1 and T2 are supporting each other - essentially a lot of issues are shared. Hurrah!:):):)
It's nice to have a UK-centric view for once. I've belonged to other diabetes related groups before but they have always been full of irrelevent things to UK residents (such as medical insurance) and full of people who follow 'quack' solutions.
I've only just found this site now, and only wished that you were all around back in September when I was diagnotsed. I ended up having to wait 6 weeks before I had my first visit to see the diabetic nurses, but I did read a lot on the Diabetic UK web site. What a great site this is and I'm so glad that there are people out there to talk to. :eek:
This is exactly what I wanted to do with the forum - I am so, so pleased you are getting the most out of it, we are building our 'community' and sharing our experiences and providing support. I am so glad T1 and T2 are supporting each other - essentially a lot of issues are shared. Hurrah!:):):)

Well, I'm sure your modesty forbids it, but I'd certainly nominate you as my 'heroine of the month'! A superbly constructed site, and clearly fulfilling a great need, given the amount of activity in just a few short days.

I've learned a lot, and it's great to have contact with such a diverse bunch of people who share something in common. Thank you!:D