Thank you

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
SOmeone said Thank You on another thread, so I thought it would be nice to have a thread for it.

Thank you to all the people responsible for setting up, running and checking the forums, and for allowing us to be a communitybrought together in a common cause.

Thank you to all the people who use the forum and either start or respond to threads. It is great to have so much support from the wider community. We all understand what it is to be diabetic and can support each other.😎
Agreed wholeheartedly.
Absolutely agree - I can't imagine anywhere else finding such a huge range of experiences and information, with a real community feel.
Here Here.....I totally agree as well. Being only recently diagnosed I felt a bit out on my own and alone, my mother was T1 but she died 10 years ago so I cant ask her anything obviously, and my other half has never known anyone with diabetes. But I now feel that I am part of a large family and can ask anyone anything and get plenty of help and advice.

Many thanks.

Ann 🙂
The site is fantastic. So much info, experiences, we can all identify with most of the issues that are mentioned.
I agree. I wish this board had been around 7 years ago when I started rebelling against diabetes, I think it would have stopped me making a lot of the stupid choices I made.
I agree. I have learned so much since finding this site. Thank you so much.
Thank-you all xx

And thank-you all so much ? The board is still developing, but to date (2 months!) it has become exactly what I thought we all needed thanks to all the users! I really am chuffed to bits that it has acheived what I hoped it would and provided the support I felt was needed. Although I have posted this before ? this is why the board exists:

I have had type 1 diabetes for 35 years - (I am 39!) and do not have any contact with other diabetics - five years ago I joined a US diabetes message board as that was the only one available, as I was having terrible problems with high blood sugars after exercising. The people I met on there were fabulous and I got sound advice on my problem! The majority (luckily for them) were all on insulin pumps - I realised how desperately we needed a UK board like this - so went straight to the top and approached Diabetes UK - as I am a graphic designer and also build websites! I am extremely passionate about this and the 'Admin' is done on a voluntary basis. There was a huge amount of negotiation with DUK ? as there were sticking points on what DUK wanted and what I felt users would want ? but we got here in the end! I did have an online survey and sent paper surveys out to various diabetic groups, so it is not entirely centered on my needs and wants!! I really pleased with the traffic building up on this site and love reading your posts and sharing your experiences. Doctors are great clinicians but all the greatest advice I have ever got is from other diabetics.
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