Thank you

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I just wanted to say a big thank u 2 every one that wrote to me on my last post about the pump, you have all been really helpful and made most of my worries go away, i have decide im deffo gonna go threw with it and have one. I have made an appointment for next week so hopefully i will have one soon. Do u get anything with the pump to wear it with or do u have to buy them, like the sockets the women clip on to the bras or on to there pants ? x
Can't answer your questions Julieann, but just wanted to wish you the best of luck! 🙂
Julieann from what I know you just get a clip to attach it to trousers

For pouches, bra pockets, skins etc you have to buy them, hence I'm trying to make one for when my pump comes.
I think different pump companies give you different accessories. My son's Medtronic pump came with a clip for a belt or waistband, but we bought various other accessories for it. He also got a Lenny the Lion cuddly toy to zip the pump into for sleeping with - probably not standard issue to adult pumpers 🙂
hahah there is some funky ones out there.... Laura what pump u getting ?x

Accu chek one which has the expert meter. It's the only one the hospital I go to carries.
Thats the one i want 🙂 Im praying the hospital has it not sure yet tho have my appointment next week, now i have got me head around having one i just want it now so i can start the work on getting me sugars right lol x
I think you have made the right choice on getting a pump. Good luck 🙂
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