Thank you forum

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Since finding out I was type two in April this year I've read many posts absorbing as much info as possible and I strongly believe it was you guys that have given me my life back.

Thank you

18 stone 10lb 5'9"
HbA1c ???? but gloucose test was 17
chol 7.6
bp 140/102

15 stone 4lb
HbA1c 6.0
chol 3.4
trig 1.7
bp 120/80

Lower carb diet and no metformin (to windy):D

Thank You Forum
Hi Eggle...

Wow there brilliant results.....:D...well done...keep up the good work...🙂

Thank you , for the thank you......🙂...we are all here to help one another, share experiences and to support each other...

Eggle! WOW!!!! What a terrific change in such a short time! So pleased for you and the changes you've achieved - absolutely brilliant and inspirational!!!!:D:D:D
Must second what Northerner has just said as proud of yourself....:D

Eggle! WOW!!!! What a terrific change in such a short time! So pleased for you and the changes you've achieved - absolutely brilliant and inspirational!!!!:D:D:D

I totally agree with what Northerner has said .
Well done , you have done this through your own hard work and determination though , keep it up . 🙂
WOW WOW well done eggle x great to hear
Wow! Well done Eggle! You should be very proud of yourself! 🙂🙂
wow that really is amazing, well done 🙂 you must feel great 🙂
The Doc thinks I might have been Diabetic for years, but being disabled due to chronic spine pain and nerve damage the tell tale signs were overlooked.

I've not felt this good for years and have even now stopped using my walking aid. I also returned to work a few weeks ago after being off sick for a year.

The Doc warned me to take things easy and not to rush things 🙄

sod him
All I can say like others before me is well done and brilliant. These forums are a great source of information and support.
Wow, that's fantastic, I'm really impressed by all your reductions, particularly the fact that you've lost 3 stone in 4 months!! As someone who's always struggled with weight I'm always in awe of those who are successful in their efforts.

Any hints & tips for a newly diagnosed fatty?? 😛

Well done.

Thats brilliant Eggle, you have achieved alot in a short space of time. Thanks for posting your progress, I sometimes forget there are those members who don't post too often but are reading the threads.
Yes I'm a forum lurker but I try to add when I can, I'm very thankfull to you all that post.
Thanks for letting us know how you got on - and feel free to contribute anytime you feel like it.
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