
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Dear All,
Thank u for ur support and advice.
Earlier this year I was told that I am a type 2 diabetic. This news was scary and shocking for me and I had a mild panic attack. I found this forum and started texting, loads of u guys took ur time to text me back which made me feel calmer and Not alone - THANK U SO MUCH. I have just found out my last blood test ( in July 2024 ) came back normal - I am in remission and I wanted to share this news with u all because of the support everyone gave me
I am happy about this and now I am going to continue on this right path of a low/no sugar diet to keep it this way.
Once again - I appreciate all the support everyone gave to me so much and knowing that there is somewhere and people that I can turn to for support has been a blessing and extremely helpful
I am grateful to u all and a big THANK U
Love to u all
That's great news, and glad we were able to help get you there. As you've obviously recognised, you need to keep doing what you've been doing as remission doesn't mean cured. Well done and thanks for sharing.
I am really glad the forum helped you but it doesn't take away the effort that you have done.
Well done on taking the leap and keeping going.
Lovely to hear @AK53

Thanks for your thanks! And great to hear your results have improved so much 🙂
This is really lovely news @AK53...Well done and keep continuing on that good path.
Many congratulations to you and very best wishes for maintaining your normal HbA1c results into the future.
I am sure your post will help to give hope and inspire other newbies who come to the forum feeling overwhelmed like you initially did.
Fantastic news!! This forum really is inspirational isn't it and so supportive. Keep up the good work and keep logging on here.
Well done @AK53
Great to hear that you are in remission now.