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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Im off tomorrow for tetanus booster what does that mean exacly, does it mean the one i had first has ran out of my body and i need a lilttle boost i dont know im all confused , maybe I should of asked these days i just let the nurse stick needles in me left right and centre.Also when i saw GP beginning of month he said when looking at my notes that it was flashing red next to my tetanus jab, meaning id not had it in last 10 yr but i know i did and even o/h said i have. do diabetics get it more frequent then every 10 years or are we still the same time scale??

Steff, as far as I know we "special people" are not on any different time frame for tetanus. Boosters are still planned in every 10 years but we're often given a tetanus injection in between time as we tend to get jabbed when we get injured - that may not get recorded on the GP's notes if done at a minor injuries unit or A&E so it appears we need to be topped up and hence the red flag
Steff, as far as I know we "special people" are not on any different time frame for tetanus. Boosters are still planned in every 10 years but we're often given a tetanus injection in between time as we tend to get jabbed when we get injured - that may not get recorded on the GP's notes if done at a minor injuries unit or A&E so it appears we need to be topped up and hence the red flag

Ah right ty Vanessa thats what i needed to know. x
Normally you only need a tetanus jab every 10 years, but if you have let your protection lapse and you hurt yourself you may need to have a course of tetanus jabs over a number of weeks.

This happened to my sister many years ago when she sustained a head injury while ice skating. The St. John's Ambulance person put a dressing on it and said it was ok, but the next day my sister was feeling unwell so we took her to A & E where she ended up having to have it stitched. The doctor found that the wound was contaminated and my sister had to have a penicilin jab and a tetanus jab and also go back for a course of extra tetanus jabs over a number of weeks.
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