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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Having been told not to test too frequently by my GP (and trying to save money by not having to buy my own strips too often) I have been trying to "keep an eye on" my levels.
I have been testing a couple of times a week first thing in the morning thinking that if I do it at the same time before breakfast my levels should be fairly constant and give a rough idea of the lowest reading of the day.
Is this correct or am I labouring under a mis-conception?
I would appreciate the feelings of the ds collective.
Any other feed back or advice always welcomed.
Hi Chris,

I'm a diet and exercise controlled type 2. I was on gliclazide and then metformin but am currently off all medication.

Initially, I tested once a day at different times, but tended to test 2hrs after meals more often than before meals (probably a 3:1 ratio). Once I had got a handle on what meals did what, I now only test 2-3 times a week, but intend to reduce that to just once a week.

I think if I tested more frequently, I wouldn't actually be learning anything new and so would consider it a waste of testing strips.

At the moment, my blood glucose appears to be behaving itself and so the odd infrequent test should be enough to catch anything out of the ordinary fairly quickly.

Finally, the first thing in the morning reading need not be the lowest. All sorts of strange things can happen (liver dumps) etc. I used to find, shortly after diagnosis, but not so much now, that my morning reading was often higher than my before bed reading!
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For the first few weeks I tested, morning and night as well as before and after every meal because I needed to learn how different foods would affect me. Now I test only when I eat something new or if I'm starting to feel ill. I'm stingy with the strips because I have to pay for them myself.
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